2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

A good rule of thumb is that anything short of kidnapping with proof of life that requires you to withdraw large sums of cash is a scam

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And with AI, pretty soon they’ll be texting you videos of them holding a gun to your child’s head.

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i have a “password” with my mother that i tell her we need to ask each other if there is ever a question for money like a kind of safe word. she’s mid 70s and one of her friends got scammed by a text message from “her son”. they had a lot of his personal information and sent a reasonable enough request for some money and the lady wired it. i actually quizzed my mother on it the other day when she asked for my social for something.

it’s sad that it’s come to that, but i would suggest everyone do that with their aging relatives and definitely if they are the kind of people that wouldn’t hesitate to send some money. something like if you ever get a text from me that’s from my number or not saying i need money for a plane ticket because im stuck somewhere it will include this random word in it if it’s legit.

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She’s supposedly not “most people”. Her job is to give people advice on personal finance.

Kind of. She’s a columnist that writes about feelings people have about money. She’s not a certified financial planner or investment advisor.

Man in the middle attack on Paypals end probably. Sort of similar situation with Chase when I opened an HYSA with them but hadn’t funded it yet and got a call from “Chase”.

Among all the other obvious things, what I found crazy is that the entire way, she knew it was a scam. She even TOLD them it was a scam, and she kept doing what they wanted.

Had a client pay 300k on an invoice sent from the hacked email of a general contractor. Payment destination was a different account than prior invoices.

Never pay serious money to a changed account without at least a phone call

My dad and I recently agreed he’s going to be cash only and I’ll manage his accounts.

Every week there’s a list of things he wants me to pay. Running at about a 5% scam to legit ratio .

“Rugby. I think we need to renew my Netflix payment”

“You don’t have Netflix?”


What’s wild to me is how out of date the security controls for business payments are.

I was trying to set up a supplier. My finance team said I needed the bank details on a document with the company header… Soft copy was fine…

Like what possible value does this have.

Have to go to my parents tomorrow. They received one of those screeching pop ups that prevents you from doing anything. and called the number. I dont believe they downloaded anything but it sounds like the guy was trying to get them to download Teamviewer.

I told them in the future to unplug their computer and then plug it back in and if the pop up is still there to call me first. Fucking scam ass scumbags piss me off so much.

Good suggestions for anything to install so I can get in remotely if need be?

I hear Teamviewer works well.

(Jk dont listen to me. I dread every tech education moment with my parents.)

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Yeah its not gonna be fun. But its time to do it


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I used to sometimes duck my Dads calls because they were prime time for “tech support” vs personal.

I just made the comment the other day that I would love to get one more tech support call (still talked to him all the time so this is not some big life regret, just miss talking with him, he’d be so excited about the Wings doing better).


Found some pretty awesome trading cards at my parents’ house




I’ve seen Schiff’s ads a few times too and I don’t want to vote for either of these people for Senate. Blech.

How is that real

Don’t do it. If you chip in $3 you will get a lifetime worth of spam and bullshit as a reward.

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