2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune


I “forgot” to change my phone number on my registration when I got a new phone, so I have been blissfully text-free since 2022.

Shit we did before the internet for entertainment: get drunk and call random 1-800 numbers and see if we could get the person on the other end to BS with us. One time I wound up on the World Wildlife Fund. The person was a good sport, so eventually I donated $20.

I probably got 50 mailers from WWF over the years. Fancy glossy materials, personalized address labels. I think once they sent an actual nickel. Can’t imagine how much they spent on me.

The Porter thing is incredibly cringe but I’m still voting for her.

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Things I have concluded are true this AM:

  1. Philz has more caffeine than regular coffee. I don’t get their coffee anymore since I began drinking espresso, but somebody gave me a gift card so I decided to try making espresso with their beans. I just had my normal morning espresso using their beans and I feel like I’m on meth.

  2. A guy down the street from me is feeding the coyotes. I’ve suspected this for quite a while and have been avoiding it, but I confirmed it this AM. Also I just had to carry my wife’s dog for most of my walk because we were being stalked and I’m pissed. And also see above I’m methed out.

This guy is very strange and hermit-like, but he’s often out at 5AM when I’m walking dog #1. I am a grownup, and am going to try just straight-up asking him to stop. Not sure what my next step will be, but I cannot let this go. He puts food out in front of his house, but he also scatters it on the sidewalk closer to my house, and also puts it in the park/playground near us both. Since he’s obviously “different” I kinda doubt a reasonable conversation is going to change anything but we’ll see I guess.


Already an update: Using my very particular set of skills I have learned that the hermit-like neighbor in question is a gun lover and made a contribution to Devin Nunes. So I am now considering going the anonymous route.

Not that this is ok, but are you sure he’s not poisoning coyotes?

Yes, because I first became aware of this when we happened upon some sliced turkey distributed on the sidewalk and my dog gobbled it up before I knew what was happening.

So if it was poisoned this would be worse!

In my research I’ve discovered a letter he wrote to the local paper angry about crowds at the local park, so maybe he’s trying to drive the people away:

Now that the Rossmoyne historic district is a done deal, there still is one more issue to deal with: restoring our once tranquil Nibley Park back to its original intent, a neighborhood park, not a weekend convention center.

As a resident of Glendale since 1965, I remember when Nibley Park was quiet and peaceful on Saturdays and Sundays, with hardly a park visitor either day. Now we have huge gatherings for parties, picnics, etc. which seem to move into the park as early as 5 a.m., with these people bringing in carloads of tables, chairs, tents and whatever else they can cram into this small, 2.4-acre park.

lol he’s mad because people are using a public park and would rather nobody use it


Not sure where to put this, but it’s very good and exactly what puts into words a sentiment I’ve had for a while now.



Very well summarized assessment of the failings of the extreme left. I would add that their performative empathy is rooted in a childish refusal to accept the complexity and nuance of the world. They have retreated to the simplicity of comic book good versus evil narratives.

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+1 I love her.

I went down a rabbit hole of Palestinian flag twitter vs. Palestinian flag twitter yesterday. I can’t even describe some of the things they’re arguing about, but they sure love to snipe at each other.


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My best friend and I were into the Jerky Boys, as teenagers often were in the early-mid 90’s. We started making prank phone calls ourselves and I pray that his wife finds the tapes some day (he passed away in 2019). We didn’t do it very often and we weren’t hostile - they were just fun, friendly prank calls to hotels and stuff, asking them about amenities like a weirdo.

I’ll see you tomorrow with my tools, fuckface!


I don’t get it? Who’s they? Dicks on Twitter? Using this to bash the “extreme left” or left seems like bull

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it just seems like a rant about an infinitely small number of online boogeymen. lot of buzzwords and bashing “virture signaling” by doing her own “better” virtue signaling that she’s more kind and more empathetic because she alone is for real.



She started with $750 and hit a hot streak last summer that stretched over six days. She played round after round of online casino games until her winnings hit $500,000. The windfall would make up for every bad bet and pay off all she owed.

Fischer, a 41-year-old mental-health professional and suburban homeowner with two boys, was by then in debt by six figures from online gambling losses. For nearly a year, she lost again and again, complaining to at least one gambling company that she had a problem but couldn’t stop. As a psychiatrist familiar with human impulses and addiction, Fischer knew better than most what she needed to do.

Right. “They” are doing this. “No one” is questioning this. Then it becomes “we” are the good, virtuous ones.

Lefties are the real fascists because a few people are mean on the internet.

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OK I watched it and sincerely have no idea what she’s talking about. Can you describe an interaction/situation that is an example?

Note: I do not Twitter, is this a Twitter thing?

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I deleted my Twitter after Elon bought it and I can count on one hand the number of threads I’ve been disappointed I couldn’t read because I don’t have an account.

My life is way better off without Twitter. I sincerely believe everyone else’s would be too.


Sure, I’ll use one that happened to me the other day.

I am running for county central committee. On facebook, one of these “leftists” criticized me for never publicly calling for a ceasefire. Since it was facebook, i (naively) figured I could take a little time to explain why that was. My answer:

I want peace, I condemn Hamas, I denounce Netanyahu, I want the hostages released, and I want hostilities to end.

They pressed me for not using the exact word “ceasefire”. I said I actually want a treaty, which is a permanent peace agreed upon by both parties.

They told me they couldn’t vote for me. and implied I supported genocide.

An armistice or a cease-fire does not represent an end to hostilities, only a truce (a temporary suspension of hostilities). Furthermore, they do not reflect a juridical end to the state of war. In this respect, they must not be confused with peace agreements, which do reflect an end to a conflict.

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