2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

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#1 Hot dog?

Free dogs at the Sams Town poker room in Tunica when I was a broke ass poker player.


I think we discussed this one on here a year or 2 ago

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Chicago hot dog is legit bad. That and deep dish “pizza” are two pretty awful Chicago things.

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I don’t think I ever played at Sams Town but on the subject of Tunica food, good god I miss the Horseshoe buffet. Elite variety and quality and the poker room just handed out comps even if you weren’t in a game yet.

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Deep dish pizza is good. People are so unnecessarily snobby when it comes to pizza, especially NY pizza. Who gives a shit. Eat what the fuck you like. NY is different than Chicago is different than Detroit, etc. Even shitty pizza is still pretty good. And if you want pineapple on a pizza, the other dumb fucking pizza argument? Great!

(also, if it helps, don’t think of Chicago-style pizza as “pizza” - you might enjoy it more if you don’t expect what you are used to)

Fuck anyone over 18 who gets ketchup on a hot dog, though.


Amen brother.

I’ll respect someone’s ability to not call it pizza, but I won’t listen to anyone who goes to Pequod’s and calls it awful.

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I can handle the whole, deep-dish, upside down fiasco, but then you get to that rich, pastry dough and I’m like, “No, thanks.”

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I had a tilt table test today as a follow up to my ambulance ride 2 weeks ago. That is wild. They strapped me to a bed, then stand it up at a 70 degree angle. Within 2 minutes I passed out.

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Shut your sex worker mouth!


On a corndog! Fundamentally unserious food.

Oh great now we’re doing the “_____ pizza is gross” thing but about hot dogs?

You heathens.


If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times




Hard agree on ketchup but hard disagree on deep dish. The ratio of everything is way off. It makes no sense. It doesn’t taste bad it’s just a mess of off ratios and weird textures.

Pizza and hotdogs are the lowest of the low of the junkfoods. They’re good if there’s nothing else to get, but arguing which is better than the other is semantics.

Go visit Holland and eat things like a frikandel, kaassouffle or bamischijf and you get a whole new understanding of lowest of the low in junkfood.


Hot dogs maybe, but pizza? Naaaaaah.


This is in the running for single most American photo of all time.