2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

That’s pretty much what it is; baked beans with cut up hot dogs in it. You can fancy it up with more veg or ground beef, but at it’s basic it is pretty good for a fast side dish.

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On the freeway at that point, you’re in a tunnel, and that exit is a pretty sharp right turn that is its own tunnel, so it’s not too easy to judge how sharp it is. And then it spits you right out to a stoplight.

OTOH, traffic is usually so bad going through there that you’d have no chance of taking that exit too fast unless you literally floor it once you get out of the traffic.


Where’s the Cincinnati chili cheese coney?

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Some of these seem made up.

Us fancy lads usually go for a brioche bread these days. Though the potato tortilla still sees some use amongst the uncouth.

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my rubric is: if you’re eating it with a knife and fork: that’s a bad hot dog


It’s still there and I’ve used it without issue. There is a lot of signage now and I’m not sure how much of it is new vs old, but there are a few things I could see being an issue. It is the first exit as the interstate transitions to underground, which will cause some issues with GPS losing signal and folks trying to exit at a high rate of speed. Also, the transition to underground and back out to surface level at the exit can cause the road to be wet → dry → wet over a relatively short distance. and the sun can also be in your eyes as you make the turn around the exit to the surface street, but that’s irrelevant when it is night out like in many of those videos.

Some real Blues Brothers action at 0:40

I got a hot dog in France (“un hot dog” they called it) and it was Czech style but instead of being covered in ketchup and mustard they slathered that bad boy in horseradish.


My personal hot dog rankings

  1. Lucky Dog while blackout drunk in N.O.
  2. Dodger Dog

Really wondering where they went in Amsterdam to find that hot dog.

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Iceland has a really good dog that comes with dried onions and some other stuff.

It’s the official chili of hell.

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I love you like a brother, but you should be incarcerated for putting a corn dog in the S tier and the Chicago dog as D tier.

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chicago hot dog:


That’s someone who looks like he’s seen some shit.

Rubric the Troublemaker over here. “Won’t eat a hotdog with knife and fork” is no way to go through life.

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Omfg it’s perfect. I could hear the words

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Naw corn dogs GOAT, lol Chicago dogs

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