2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

The 49ers could have happily had 3 (or 4 or 10) quarterbacks active. They just chose to have like an extra offensive lineman or special teams linebacker instead and gambled that they wouldn’t need it.

Probably a fine gamble (and one that most teams make), as if you lose two active qbs to injury during a game, you are pretty well fucked anyhow.

Do any teams ever have 3 QBs active these days when they have two healthy QBs?

If the refs only did these things. It would still have been brutal

Not calling the blocks in the backs to get the chiefs to the 40 on the last drive

Didn’t call Int grounding on second down. Which they called on burrows for the literal same thing

On the last play before the kick, they didn’t call a clear clothesline hold on the chiefs

It’s fine. Chiefs D played well enough to keep the score tied and they got it done

But the bengals got fucked so hard.

Yeah as far as I know there’s no rules regarding how many active QBs you can have. Some teams keep 3, most just 2 these days.

I guess reading the rule it used to be a game day roster of 45 but if you had a 3rd QB they didn’t count, but if you played them you couldnt put your other guys back in. Then the NFL just said screw it you can have 46 do what you want with the extra spot and most don’t keep a 3rd QB now.

I still am not sure the reason for trimming game day rosters from 53 to 46.

Not usually. Some teams have 3 on the 53 man. Usually it’s the starter, a veteran backup, then a young guy who isn’t ready yet but is seen as enough of a prospect that if you practice squad him he gets poached. Usually that kid doesn’t make the 46 man roster.

Although some teams just keep qb3 on the practice squad and deal with poaching. It happened to the lions a couple times this year.

The officiating is so absolutely inferior and inexcusable that riggage talk is fair game just on account of how fucking bad the product is. You can’t have this many billions of dollars pumping into the league and still have replacement level refs working part time, and especially not these talentless middle-aged bozos who look like Carlton Banks working as a Foot Locker manager from a Key & Peele sketch:

Or if you want to go avant-garde anti-comedy, a caricature of a wealth management professional doing an infomercial from a Tim & Eric sketch:

These are the kind of people you’d meet doing a weekend certification class to sell timeshares or some other real estate scam, not serious people who are good at something.

I think the NFL could follow the lead of the NHL and have an emergency QB like the NHL has emergency goalies. In the NHL, they are literally just some guy. One got in a game the other night. I think he was a goalie at some small college. But the NFL could have a real QB waiting in the wings. Maybe he only gets dressed to play after its determined that one QB is definitely out for the game. But I don’t see the harm in flexing the roster size enough to allow for this.

The competitive balance argument for having an inactive list is that it avoids giving the advantage to the team with better luck on injuries.

The inactive list allows for the resting of players with nagging injuries where injured reserve is too long, so you don’t have an incentive to try them make them play through injuries or feel like you have to waive them and replace them with a healthy player who is available.

I think there was also a desire to do away with the farce of teams stashing healthy players on injured reserve. It looks like they expanded the inactive list when they made injured reserve season ending. When they decided to allow players to come back from IR after four games, they didn’t alter the inactive list size because teams liked the roster flexibility and players liked the extra roster spots.

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NFL QB isn’t really a plug’n’play position though to the extent that NHL goalie might be. Way too much stuff you have to know just to making stepping onto the field +EV over running wildcat or some other offense from 1946.

*Didn’t mean to reply to a post.

I don’t really get this need for an extra qb slot. It seems like for any such extra slot, there are two possibilities

  1. You can have an extra slot for QB
  2. You can have an extra slot for QB or any other player

Why #1 better than #2? #2 is far superior as it forces more decision-making. And since NFL coaches, in general, suck at decision-making, the inevitable result is more LOLs. Who doesn’t want that?

I was under the wrong impression that you are only allowed to suit up two qb’s. I’m just mad at the niners then

The “smartest coach” sending broken elbow Purdy back in to hand off is what we should be talking about. I would have been snapping it to mcaffery.


have one of your better athletes at qb, or rotate them. there’s gotta be some combination of simplified read-option, multiple running back formation. max-protect otherwise and throw it up to your best: Deebo, Kittle, etc

it was basically total surrender

But ya, as just said, the inevitable result was forcing a rookie to play a playoff game with a torn ucl. That’s not as funny as we hoped

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The niners have Deebo and mcaffery just run the same wildcat or whatever weird formation they have run before over and over. Be better then broke arm Purdy only be able to hand it off.

Run the wishbone and power I-formation with 23 personnel. See if they dressed enough LBs to stop it.

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I kind of think if they had a 3rd guy who was even worse than J. Johnson, they probably would have just thrown Brock out there anyway.

It certainly was funnier before that was known. Less funny in retrospect.

It’s better for the fans not to have to watch a terrible AFCCG.

But still funny, no?