2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

Yah. Wtf was that.

Can’t do math lol

Only announced like ten thousand football games too

Oh gag me with this “isn’t it awesome for these long-suffering fans” stuff. If the Lions were unlikable then everyone should want them to continue to line the birdcage. Thankfully they’re likable.

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To be fair, the Rams are the better team. Was cheering for them for monetary reasons, but for the Niners, this outcome is MUCH better

Congrats Lions fans! Enjoy it.


Rams got fucked.

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My kids just watched the lions win a playoff game with me and they are older than I was the last time I got to see that.


Sure they didn’t call a close defensive play = lions get fucked

Like we didn’t watch the refs call a false start on a guy that didn’t move and took 7 points off the board


Also. The chiefs GOT that call in the Super Bowl and it wasn’t a penalty then and it wasn’t today either.

Anyone think that Rams should have just let the Lions score on the first play after they fail to convert the 3rd and 14?

If not then, there likely had to be a point at which let the Lions score a TD was optimal (and the Lions accepting the TD would be the best thing for the Lions to do). When was it?

Obviously if they’re thinking to do this, they should have just gone for it on 4th down, but let’s set that aside for now.

Really well-played game on both sides. No turnovers. And the Lions are getting a nice draw as it turns out.

I mean there’s a legit chance to hold them to 3 and out, so you really can’t do it right out the gate. And then after they get the first first down, you’re screwed because if you try to do it then, they’re just gonna jog 20yd or so and then take a seat.


If I was coaching, I would have handed the ball to my fastest player on 4th and 14, and had him race back to our endzone.

I would instruct him to hand the ball to whichever defender gets to the endzone first.

I would anticipate insane crowd noise and the excitement of the defense to make a play would lead them to fall for the trap.

There’s even a chance the coach is too dumb to go for 2, and there’s only an 8 point deficit.

You can’t just “let” the opposing offense score because once they have the ball they’re all schooled to fall down short of the line. Defensive players may not have received the same instruction. Giving the ball to the offense is worse than just going for it on 4th and 14th. With Stafford and his weapons they convert far more often than they stop the Lions with all the tired legs on defense.


There it is.

What’s weird is that the Lions were -3 lol media

I’m only a very recreational sports bettor, but generally when I think the underdog is going to win, I always take the points (there is probably some right answer about when to take the points and bet the ML).

Presumably if any of these talking heads were betting, they would do the same, so looks like a good enough prediction for me.

Here’s the thing, though. Even if the player knows to go down, if there are 4ish minutes left and he goes down inside the ten, they can only burn so much clock before they kick a field goal, so Rams will get the ball back with around 2min. At that point, they would only have a 4 pt lead, which is a bit dicey. On the other hand if they just get the TD, then they give the Rams the same one possession that they are going to get anyway, but now a TD only (probably, depending on how the conversions are done) ties them. So with that amount of time on the clock, it seems like if the Rams let them score, the Lions would have to take it, because they can’t quite kill enough clock.

If there was significantly less than 4 min left, then disregard above. I may not be remembering that part correctly.

It’s also much tougher to score a TD from goal to go inside the 10 relative to other positions on the field.

Fair points. My strat would apply more if there was less time on the clock.