2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!



Just send everyone, this plan is hopeless

Low scoring all season with the lowest totals I’ve seen since at least graduating college and now these teams are finding tons of points to put up? Except the Dolphins*.

Dan Quinn ready to take over the reins in Seattle.

Lions really could have gotten hit with roughing the passer there

Pretty shocked Stafford can play

Pretty sure they hit the Dr on the head inside the blue tent

Stafford threw a game winner with a dislocated shoulder as a rookie. 0% chance he was missing a snap of this game if he can walk.

I don’t think his toughness was what was being questioned.

Dr Oz is the team doctor.

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I actually think his head was probably fine. He seemed to be grabbing his chest/shoulder area. If it was even money on a completely neutral, unbiased concussion check (i.e., probably not what actually took place), I’d have bet on him passing.

That’s not defenseless receiver?? I’ll never understand the rules

I was also surprised they didn’t call it, but I’m glad they didn’t. That’s football, imo.

If they did throw the flag, I would have been fine with it.

Stafford is serving up some murderballs.

That no-call balanced the scales a little. It was wrong, but Detroit has been getting jobbed until then.

Awful no call there, refs seem to always see the jersey tug too


If a call like this went for the Chiefs, the Unstuck servers would melt into a puddle of goo.

Fucking coward punt. No idea how they willingly give up the ball. Losers


Tirico is an idiot

Need the screenshot of all 5 pundits on NFL live picking the Rams.