2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

Lions too good

If Seattle hires him I will be very sad.

Some fairly poor defensive performances so far this round

Lions secondary had been ass all year. Great team but this might be their Achilles.

It’s more the 0 pass rush. Just not getting pressure.

Lol Goff what the fuck was that?

What the fuck was that Goff?

Yeah Goff does that like once a game. You just kinda get used to it. Usually it’s a 360 no scope into a pick 6. Only losing 15 yards is a win honestly.

Because Amon Ra is the moths fucking league MVP bitches.

Can we PLEASE get some fucking pressure on third down?


Thank you

Jesus fucking christ

Edit: whew

Oh Decker you tricky cat.

Wow they really are balling now. How did they fuck up which team jumped first.

Good grief that’s a terrible miss by the officials.

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Wow lions get fucked again. Big shock

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Probably going to be a 14 point swing on that play.

Doesn’t look like either the Lions or Rams are going to be able to ride the D to the Super Bowl.

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Lions got the rams bucs and pack all at home. We will be fine.