2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

We have a game now?

If you’re going to commit that blatant PI, just tackle him and prevent the TD.

Wind is definitely a major factor and Miami has it at their backs in this quarter

Not really. But I can see how it may appear that way.

ooooo yeah I forgot Simms, he’s gotta be worse

I wish I had had the balls to bet on this game

Dude, stop being an insane pessimist/ going for the reverse jinx. It’s tiresome and no way to live life.

Is that really a downgrade? Seems like a much easier job. Do they get paid a lot less for that?

ESPN hired Rush Limbaugh

It’s close to bolded. I’d argue it’s realistic rather than pessimistic.

You do realize these guys haven’t won a playoff game in almost a quarter century? Seems unlikely that the modern day ice bowl against Mahomes and the refs is the day the tides turn.

surprised they’re letting all these guys vape out there, most places are cracking down on it


Kelce got stone mitts

yeah ugh did he ever get to call a game before he got shitcanned? I can’t recall one

That was kind of a gimmick. I’d imagine James Brown would consider it a downgrade if they had him calling games.

I don’t know. But I imagine he was under contract, so I expect the choices were to either reassign him or buy him out. So he was probably getting paid regardless. It was an upgrade for those of us who watch the games and mostly don’t watch the desk chatter though.

IIRC, he lasted exactly one broadcast

Wasn’t he just on the Sunday morning countdown show? I don’t remember him doing color on any actual games.

yeah that’s where he said what got him cancelled by the liberal media once again, maybe he was never actually ‘color guy’ idk glad he’s dead

LOL that was a horrendous 3rd and 1 call

Yeah I think he was just on countdown. Rush resigned from co7ntdown after his mcnabb comments. Later on he tried to buy the rams lol.