2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

Eli apple doing eli apple things

Phins playing 1 short on d

Whole sequence was super weird. Hire Rush Limbaugh, watch him say something well within the daily range of things Rush would say, insta-fire him. Not sure WTF they thought they were hiring. Seems like the whole point was to add a divisive shithead who would draw eyeballs for the wrong reasons, but I guess not? I don’t know.

The Lions haven’t won much either and none of their fans think anything other than the Super Bowl belongs to them.

I was watching live and remember the Rush episode like it was yesterday including his exact words. “I think the media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well” talking about McNabb.

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WR screen passes don’t work to Tyreek when they are doubling him. You have to run them to Waddle or one of the RBs.

I understand the shirtless fans at these temperatures even less.

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That’s some solid remembering. I remember it too, but not with that level of clarity.

The funniest part of it is that they next week during the broadcast every one of the other talking heads took turns dragging Rush (after he has been fired and is not on the panel). Weak sauce, imo. You have to do that shit immediately, to his face, when the words come out. Not one week later reading lines of a teleprompter.


Not fair how good the KC Oline is

I’m gonna love it if KC decides Rice is the answer and just decides to bring back the whole WR crew.

I’m not saying Rice is not good. He is good. I just don’t think him plus Kelce’s decaying corpse is quite enough to ship it.

idk with Mahomes and that OLine I think it is. Brady certainly had worse in a lot of years.

Their tackles are really bad, but it doesn’t matter when you’re blocking walk ons.

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Just don’t end this half on a pick six hail mary. Can you at least do that, Tua?

Hand cramps apparently….

He probably is struggling to play the saxophone too.

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Taylor is really good at pass pro. He just can’t stop committing penalties. Smith is middle of the road.

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It would have cost you nothing to not post that.


So Chefs just get a free timeout there?

First chiefs game eh? :)


Free timeout was something. Tirico “I know it’s mahomes” wtf was that