2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

Ravens and Cowboys seem good.

The Chiefs are ass, but still the team no one wants to face in the playoffs. Same with Bills.

Should be a fun tournament. The niners obv look very, very strong. But any of 49ers/Eagles/Cowboys/Chiefs/Dolphins/Ravens/Bills all have pretty elite top-end capabilities, and also some lolsey flameout potential.

You need at least seven players on the line of scrimmage and the players on the ends are eligible receivers. The end player covers the inside player.

Violating that is an illegal formation.


Glad to hear this.

Also annoyed about this:


If Toney was doing it all game, why not give him a warning, as per the usual practice? Not sure how you can call the last one egregious, while the others don’t even deserve a warning.

Why would anyone constantly line up in the neutral zone anyways?

Unless someone is showing me film footage of other wrs doing the same thing, this is an obvious case of FAFO.

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There was a screenshot on chiefsplanet of the Rams doing it. But there are 15 threads on this topic so I can’t find it now. Also Matt Ryan said it’s pretty common for receivers to be right on the line.

I think this is it. Or maybe this, which is a dead ringer:

Let’s not overlook the job Kevin Stefanski is doing with this patchwork lineup. 8-5 playing four different quarterbacks and the team’s star running back lost early in the season, along with a host of other injuries. Insane.



The line drawn in the Chiefs game was actually well ahead of the ball, whereas the rest in those photos run through the ball. Toney on that play was legit lined up on the defensive side of the ball, not just in the neutral zone. He was nearly 12 inches more offside than any of those guys.

Oh, and the right tackle wasn’t on the LOS on that play either. His forward most point (head) is supposed to be at least even with the Center’s backward most point (butt).


The line is accurate - the Chiefs center for some reason likes to snap the ball in shotgun from it’s nose, which shifts the ball back so it looks like it’s now behind the line. You can see this same thing in pretty much any shotgun snap by the Chiefs, the line looks like it’s too far compared to the ball.

Just picking a random snap from the game:


Well then the line changes, because the defenders are supposed to line up based on the ball.

From my understanding the center is allowed to move the ball some. How much I’m not sure.

We’ll probably find out with a minute left in some playoff game. And then we’ll all become experts on center pre-snap ball adjustment.

The WR is just behind the ball on your first and third pic. I will give you the second one.

With that said, Matt Ryan is an all time choke artist and the Rams snatch defeat from the jaws of victory all the time.

It’s like in the Super Bowl when they ignored defensive holding until that final drive.

Maybe the refs just like to wait for a high leverage situaltion.



A can of worms hath been opened.

This one is looking pretty losable. If Reek is out for an extended period, then they’re drawing dead for the top seed.

lol there it is


instant make up call on the obvious DPI

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Players should miss games for committing a horse collar on a play that results in injury.