2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

How is that a controversial call?

I’m a Chiefs fan myself and am having a hard time being upset about that. Line up onsides. It wasn’t close.

All the procedural stuff offenses must do to be legal is a lot. Being on side is not much of an ask.

It’s not.


I think Mahomes’ meltdown was blowing a gasket about the receivers this year and, and the bad no-DPI call last week (which yes followed several bad calls in the Chefs’ favor), and even going back to Dee Ford. I’m sure he knows this morning that he overreacted and had an immature tantrum. We’ll see if he walks it back, which is hard to do w/o throwing the receivers under the bus even more.

I still don’t mind the fire though. Everyone on the team takes their cues from him. And he clearly isn’t ready to just pack it in this year.

I still don’t get the whole “such-and-such receiver has to cover/can’t cover the tight end,” etc when they lineup. Don’t see why they can’t just lineup at the line of scrimmage and go, why one guy has to be a step back from this guy and so on.

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They know that their best path forward needs Toney.

That whole shtick was all about deflection. Take the attention off of him and help to harness the best version of that hothead energy.

The covering thing is about determining who is an eligible receiver.

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Covering means “outside and lined up on the same horizontal yard line”, right?



It was a really cool play, aside from the Kelce lateral. Toney does a great pick on Kelce’s defender to get Kelce wide open (I don’t think it’s OPI, it’s one of those things). Toney having an additional half step likely does help him a little to get in the way of the guy charged with covering Kelce.

I don’t really bet on sports, but KC +800 to be the first seed doesn’t seem too bad. MIA and BAL both have tough schedules. If they both lose 2 games, and KC goes undefeated they get it. @NE, LV, CIN, @SD for KC the rest of the way.

Another interesting bet if it existed would be that KC still doesn’t play a road playoff game. Even if the Chiefs get the #3 seed, I could see the Dolphins losing in the WC round and Ravens losing in the divisional round.

Twice in this 5 year run the Chiefs have had the #2 seed and seen the #1 seed (Ravens 2019, Titans 2021) knocked off in the divisional round.

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Miami only has 3 losable games and 2 of them are at home. The only away game left is Baltimore and if they beat Baltimore then they have to lose both of those home games and have KC run the table despite KC’s offense looking inept at times so they can lose to bad teams.

If Baltimore beats Miami they have to lose both away to Jacksonville and San Francisco and have KC run the table and not have Miami beat Buff and Dallas at home in order to get the #1 seed.

I’m thinking +1500 to +2500 is a fair line for KC to get the #1 seed.


and one more that you forgot: KC loses in the wildcard round. i dont see HOU or PIT beating them but Cle, Cin, Buf and Den would all be live, particularly Buffalo

This KC team could absolutely lose in any round. I’m just pointing out that everyone who thinks no #1 seed = Mahomes road playoff game is forgetting the other scenarios.

I think I’m rooting for the Ravens over Dolphins and Chiefs to get the #2 seed. That seems most realistic, and Chiefs probably need the WC round tune up game.


Imagine trying to cover 10 guys on the line not knowing who is going out for a pass. Would be impossible

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I think it’s pretty clear the chiefs are ass this year

Like 29 other teams in the NFL

Trying to figure out the one good team other than the Niners.