2023 NFL Gameday Thread: SUPER refBOWL!

I was yelling at the TV way before the replay was shown. Sorry I don’t have video of me watching TV.

Poll 100 people and you think 100 of them will say definitively he was out? Jesus. It was a few inches and his body was blocking the view!

That’s one possibility: and it’s understandable given how Mahomes was positioned.

The other possibility—which I point out and you ignore—is that the play was functionally over due to Mahomes having given himself up.

Well I didn’t realize you were interesting in my reasoning on that. But since you asked, it’s pretty simple. There is all sorts of contact that occurs between DBs and WRs on every single play. For that reason a missed DPI doesn’t bother me that much. But I’ll admit that is a subjective determination on my part.

Since you’re having trouble keeping up, what we’re actually talking about is your ridiculous insinuation that the Mahomes call was probably correct. That’s wrong and hilarious.

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Better to stay silent and be thought a fool, I guess.

That was perhaps a slight exaggeration, made to highlight the yawning chasm between the wrongness of the missed DPI with the arguably missed UR.

In any event, I’ll just accept victory at this point before your subjectivity leads down any other untoward roads.

I’ve addressed this at least twice, but since your really having problems following along, I’ll do it again. When a runner with a ball is going toward the sideline is still in bounds, he is eligible to be tackled or hit. This is a standard thing that happens in a football game numerous times. IIRC, he was running right towards the line to gain. Running forward and towards the sideline is not normally construed as “giving oneself up”. If it was, refs are blowing calls left and right all the time. Or maybe they just got this one wrong. I wonder which is more likely.

How often do QBs ran at Mahomes’ angle, in this specific game context, as close as he was to the sideline, and get hit with force as opposed to shoved or just contacted out?

I’ll help you out since you watch three games a year or whatever: RARELY.

It is really nice that any ambiguity is resolved in favor of calling the foul. You would have a much better argument if you had that arrow.

Part of my point here is that the fact that he is a QB is not really relevant. You can’t whip out the rule book when it suits you and then just decide to supplement it with rules that don’t actually exist and then claim that the call is “probably correct” based on the unwritten ones.

If we set aside the QB, then it is completely standard.

If we consider the fact that he is a QB and not just any QB, but specifically Patrick Mahomes, then defenders may hold back a little because they are afraid the ref is gonna do what he just did: make the wrong call.

There was no ambiguity on whether Mahomes was still inbounds and running forward. It was apparent to me on my couch and the ref was standing right there.

The fact that the flag was a bit delayed was also quite curious.

Also if we the apply this the way you suggest, then 100% of UR calls are correct, because if the ref was confused about whether it was too rough or not then he should have called it. And who are we to judge the refs confusion? After all, unnecesary roughness is inherently arbitrary.

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Welcome back to the forum, NMW

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NMW possibly trolling? One thing to take a laughably incorrect stance and another to start name calling and insulting those who disagree.

GB player hit him in bounds, technically that stopped his forward momentum and the clock should not have stopped.

Even if he had one foot on the white it was still a not a penalty, probably even two feet since he was near the first down marker which refs are supposed to give more leeway to the defender.

Sources are telling me that the ref did not call DPI on the pass to MVS because he ruled the pass uncatchable, as it was thrown to MVS.


lol we really got a homer arguing that tackling a player who is making a dash toward the first down sticks and is in bounds is unnecessary. It’s literally the defender’s entire reason for existing to prevent the offensive player from getting first downs.

Not to mention Mahomes is a Grade A sideline angleshooter, and frequently baits people on the sideline who ease off by hopping back up field to gain additional yardage.

Everyone knows this tho, and I’m getting trolled 'fo sure.

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To make sure, I watched the replay this morning. Mahomes was running hard toward the sticks and the sideline to both get the first and to try to get OOB to stop the clock. He didn’t slow up or “give himself up.” Owens said he was trying to keep him inbounds, which, considering he was still inbounds and not slowing up, seems like a pretty valid goal.

Seems like something they should be able to review. Just quickly check to see if the guy was still inbounds. He was? Good. No penalty.

Refs had a bad final minute. Called a non-fumble a fumble (though fortunately got the call correct after review), probably should have called MVS’s forward progress stopped on that sideline pass and kept the clock running, the late hit call, the missed MVS DPI.

This one was lost in the shuffle of bad calls, but this one might have been more egregiously wrong than either the Mahomes hit or the MVS no call.

Dude is AIDSing up every thread he is in

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Yup - I feel this is called running clock 100% of the time. They even call that just when forward momentum stopped right before going out of bounds, but here he was actually being moved backwards.