2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Build a wall to keep out the beige crayons.

Went back to listen to Blowback s1 and was reminded of this banger from the 2000s


Paxton was getting acquitted when his defense rested after only calling four witnesses. They knew they had the votes. In any case Texas is ruled by an oligarchy of rich donors and their pliant government officials

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Do we have a #MeToo thread? Russell Brand, come on down.

Edit: The claims look extremely credible. In one case a woman who claims she was raped has a text conversation with him afterwards where he is apologizing (with a number confirmed by others to be Brand) and there is documentary evidence that she attended therapy at a rape counselling center for months afterwards.

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Do you think that celebrities are more likely to be rapists than your average Joe?

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We are coming up on 60th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination and I am curious what the consensus is between these two questions in 2023.

  • Oswald was the lone shooter
  • Someone else was the shooter or there were multiple shooters

0 voters

I think Oswald was the shooter, but I could be convinced someone put him up to it.

I got into this heavily in my early 20s, read a ton of books. I ultimately became convinced Oswald was the sole shooter. The book Conspiracy of One lays out a pretty compelling case.

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There’s a fair amount of evidence that JFK was accidentally shot by the secret service from behind when they tried to return fire. It’s also far more realistic and involves simple incompetence.


Yea I think that’s the most likely at this point

I usually don’t care about this stuff but Fetterman wearing a hoodie to the senate seems like it is just bringing us another step closer to Idiocracy.


It would be if he was actually dumb.


This is a crazy story if you aren’t familiar.



The government of India assassinated a Canadian citizen in Canada. This timeline just gets more fucked every day.