2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

I do wonder when science and curiosity may lead for ways to create apparent genetic links that ID killers incorrectly.

Can’t normalize your request obviously :sweat_smile:

That’s 100% the reason. My boss and my boss’s boss is cool with it and we even used to do incentive pay for various shifts. They cut that though because the people above them.

The structure of my company is weird, we vote for the boss and boss’s boss. The people above them we have far less influence on though





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If you keep them separated, I think it’s totally fine. Nice bowl of chili and a cinnamon roll for dessert. No problem there. As the contact between roll and chili increases, the wrongness increases exponentially.


You gotta keep 'em separated.



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That’s a real banger

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I can see that being this generation’s Shaun of the Dead.

But if you’re under 18, you won’t be doing any time :wink:

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and if they catch ya slippin’ then it’s all over, PAL.

I hope people understand that getting your DNA analyzed by Ancestry or whatever doesn’t automatically make it accessible in any “public genealogy database”. Companies like Ancestry and 23andMe are pretty serious about privacy and controlling access to your data. I know with Ancestry you can opt in to participate in research projects but you have to agree to a long informed consent document in order to do so.

So it’s not like cops are able to search all the DNA on Ancestry whenever they want to. They will of course provide DNA data to law enforcement in response to valid court orders but the number of times that happened in the first 6 months of 2022 was zero.

But the “public genealogy database” mentioned in the recent news story almost certainly means GEDMatch (this is the one that was used to find the Golden State Killer). Since that case though, even GEDMatch has an option to opt-out of making your sample available to law enforcement searches.

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I have absolutely not one single hint of a mote of a speck of trust that any company will ever do the right thing with any personal data. They’re going to mine it and aggregate it and sell it. They’re going to give it to anybody official who applies any pressure. And after they’ve done all of that they’re going to lose control of it in a massive data breach. Greed, fear, and incompetence will trump integrity every time.


That motto is on my family crest.


Most companies don’t have any integrity whatsoever so there’s nothing to be trumped.

Not even a skosh of a shred of a scintilla of a soupçon of a smidgeon of trust?


I don’t remember where the discussion from a few days ago started, but anyway, re: sustainable population of humans.

In what year will the human population grow too large for the Earth to sustain? The answer is about 1970, according to research by the World Wildlife Fund.

Ok I can’t watch the video now, but is this a Malthusian thing?

Edit: this is like 80% joke