2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Imagine talking about your child that way. What a truly heinous piece of shit.


Now Iā€™m worried heā€™s energizing the R base.


Amateur hour. I just ate a whole one. No Ragrets


I think I remember seeing on the package of a Costco pie that it weighed about 4lbs. A while back I put a whole pumpkin one away by myself over like 4 days. A pound of pie per day, take it easy me.

Iā€™d never get one for Thanksgiving, but as pumpkin pie is my favorite pie Iā€™ve contemplated getting one. How good are they? I assume if itā€™s Costco itā€™s a good pie.

Oh yeah I thought it was good. I had a piece of some cheaper store-made one today and I remember the Costco one being quite a bit better.

I may have to pull the trigger. Iā€™m normally the only one who likes pumpkin pie, so itā€™s quite a bit of extra work for just me. Mme Melkerson would be mortified to serve a store bought pie (making desserts is her thing), but if I got one of those costco behemoths a few days before, I donā€™t think Iā€™d miss not having it on Thanksgiving.

Costco punpkin pies are like $6 here. We got a pecan last week and destroyed it.

Bryant Gumbel being completely flummoxed by the concept of an @ sign and a url.

These were great days.

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Pure gold. I love how not one person so much as gasps or anything while it plays out, audio sounds like itā€™s by Vic Berger.






Fun fact that I learned last night: a Costco pecan pie has roughly 8,500 calories.

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You could have kept that information to yourself.


The annual ā€œwhite lights or colored lights on the Christmas treeā€ war has begun in the spidercrab household.

So far, team colored lights has the upper hand.

Got an led tree that can switch back and forth between both. Ez game.

Thatā€™s what we have - thatā€™s why thereā€™s a constant battle over the light style! Think Iā€™m going to put on the colors and hide the remote.

Colors ftmfw!

Guys I think I stumbled onto a grooming event. Theyā€™re singing something about jingle balls all the way. Is there a hotline I can call to report this?