2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Wait until you learn what they get paid.



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When I was a kid I saw the Boston Balletā€™s Nutcracker TWICE every year for several years - my school would go, and then my mom wanted to see it and took the family. I haaaaaaated it. I donā€™t think Iā€™d enjoy it now, but I definitely wouldnā€™t be as big of a dick about it like Iā€™m sure I was back then.

Questionable provenance but nevertheless pretty good imo


Just saw it a couple of days ago. The lead dudes tights were so tight you could see his junk perfectly. I think Iā€™ve seen it 3 times and Iā€™m not a ballet bro, so Iā€™m donā€™t have a huge basis for comparison. But WTF? That canā€™t be standard, can it? There are tons of kids there, of course. I was sitting up front, so I can only hope that the view wasnā€™t quite as clear from farther back.



I believe youā€™re supposed to mix them together. My guess is that your wife comes from an Italian-American family and that this is a simplified version of an Italian peas and eggs dish.

Thatā€™s why itā€™s called ā€œThe Nutcrackerā€


I did a similar search on amazon because I knew my nephew is into dinosaurs but I didnā€™t end up pulling the trigger on anything because it was hard to know exactly what I would be buying.

Instead I went to the walmart toy section and ended up getting him a PokĆ©mon toy which I had no idea if he was into but the PokĆ©mon shelf was nearly sold out so I figured it must be popular and I hedged my bet with a Batman figure cause who doesnā€™t like Batman. Anyways in my sample of 1 PokĆ©mon>>>>Batman. Kid barely even looked at the Batman toy but immediately showed everyone the PokĆ©mon toy.

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These substations seem super vulnerable and I fear that these kinds of attacks are only going to become more and more common. :worried:

Now hold on, this might have been for a noble cause like preventing a drag show.

Some pretty interesting small scale laws in California, primarily centered around reducing discrimination against minorities go into effect next week


Some of the more intriguing: 1) Police can no longer use dna from assault victims in rape kits to incriminate the victim in other crimes. 2) decriminalizing jaywalking and loitering (to help prevent harrassment primarily of LGBT and minority sex workers) and 3) A criminalizing of the so called ā€œpink taxā€ that leads to higher prices for female targeted products that are similar to mens products of the same makeup or quality.

Stuff like this sure makes me proud to live in Cali sometimes.


Yeah, these are absolutely some of the next biggest targets of domestic terrorism. ā€œStop the thing we dont want you to do or we will bring down the gridā€ is a pretty strong and scary statement.

Thereā€™s nothing here to worry about. Just some casual burglary.

When deputies arrived, a statement from the department read, they saw evidence that a fenced area was broken into. While nothing was taken from the substation, police said equipment was vandalized, causing a power outage in the area.

Another burglary was reported later that morning at a Tacoma Public Utilities substation on 224th Street, again with forced entry and damage to the equipment, and nothing stolen from the scene.

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burglary means ā€œbreaking and enteringā€ essentially, stealing is a different activity

Yeah yeah, and you donā€™t have to touch somebody for it to be assault. Iā€™m sure Fox is being the best kind of correct in order to educate its readers about the finer points of language and law.


theyā€™re literally transcribing what the cops told them.

Tucker would probably say the same thing. Meanwhile, on planet earth, thereā€™s a reason Fox is the only news outlet to make a point of calling it a burglary, and itā€™s not in the service accurately informing their audience.

what is the conspiracy here?

  1. call it what it is
  2. ???
  3. Profit!!

Z thinks it was done by right wing terrorists.