2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

This is a culinary crime!

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I eat my peas with eggy
I’ve done it all my life.
It makes the peas taste funny,
But I don’t want marital strife.


I absolutely cannot get enough of the tik tok meme where kids tell their boomer parents Tucker Carlson died.

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I have no idea exactly why this is, but on my Polish side of the family we can’t eat meat, nor can we eat actually decent fish on Christmas Eve, so we get takeout fried fish and potato and sauerkraut pierogies and that is the crux of the meal. It’s just kind of sad for anyone who likes good food, but hey it’s tradition!

I’ve watched a ton of these videos. Seems like the dead people are always the ones sitting in their cars that get squished. It sounds like the people in the car that got hit in this video are going to live. Might be paralyzed or have major back/neck issues though.

There’s usually a window where you can sprint off the road. Or if you’re right next to a semi, see if you can jump in their cab. No way I’m sitting in my car as the last car in the line waiting to be sandwiched between two semis.

I guess I just feel better taking my chances sprinting rather than closing my eyes and praying.

You 100% should stay in your car in these situations. Getting out and knocking on the door of a semi is worse then trying to make a run for it.

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Maybe the solution is to just drive off the road when you see the pileup. Or do anything you can not to right behind a semi.

The people in that green jeep saw their life flash before their eyes multiple times. People died in this too. In a longer version he walks up to the front of the pileup and realizes a guy is dead behind the wheel.

Another one I saw a guy is is just off the highway, and gets out to look at his wrecked bumper (instead of running for the hills). Another car comes flying in and slams into his car, but miraculously the two cars go flying by on each side of him.

A woman realizes that the woman who wants to buy some toys with her off of Craigslist is a kidnapper who kidnapped a child a few days ago. She arranges to have the police arrest her. Then with the blizzard coming though she uses clues the woman left behind to find the baby before the temperature drops


Holy shit. You buried the lede - that baby would have died if they didn’t go all Scooby Doo and find the car before the blizzard.

A+, would read again.

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No surprise that the actual police got out-policed at actual police work.


And here’s the CNN headline


Merry Christmas All!




Hell yeah bro, if I get injured I don’t want my EMT to be unnecessarily burdened by licensing requirements! And who is the government to say that my pharmacist knows what they’re doing when giving me medicine. Fuck it man, let’s just get rid of licensed harbor pilots, just steer that oil tanker straight through New York City up the Hudson yourself.

Ex refugee from Somalia gets attacked by a psycho in a pickup truck. Wants the judge to forgive her.

Couple of years ago I know someone who did this and the 18 year old daughter won $17k!

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Went to to the Nevada Ballet Company’s Nutcracker production at the Smith Center in Vegas yesterday. They’re obviously a new company, but the set design was outstanding and their Clara was very good.

One of the things we did every year when I was a kid was go to the Cincinnati Ballet’s annual production. It was a tradition, and we often knew one or two of the kids they’d “hire” to join the cast for that year’s show. Consequently, I know the story backward and forward, the music is all familiar, etc. It was actually really charming to hear the reactions of the audience in Vegas, where it was obvious a majority had never seen it before.

Just another thing about growing up in Cincinnati that I never really appreciated until seeing it through different eyes. The Smith Center is gorgeous, but a childhood spent going to Cincinnati Music Hall means that I’m spoiled. It wasn’t until I went to college in a city that had zero artistic culture (Colorado Springs) that I truly started to appreciate what I had as a kid.

I know people don’t think of Cincinnati as a hotbed for the arts, but those people are wrong.



I mean… it’s like an 8 week class some places