2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

It’s been awhile since I’ve thought about it, but my take after listening to the podcast was: He definitely did not get a fair trial, but also he definitely killed the girl.

Also Microsoft and others. Here is an ars article back in may about them working towards a passwordless solution.

Just saw bizzaro zikzak at the grocery store. I was grabbing some canned beans and look over to see a man perusing the soups and chatting with his son. Says he thinks he wants some chowdah for dinner and grabs the Bar Harbor New England style chowdah. I crack a smile. Then suddenly he says to his son “I like Manhattan style” and swaps his edible soup for straight garbage.

Life is stranger than fiction….


This does sound pretty great, but a little devils advocate, won’t this lead to an increase in kidnappings?

because he’s very obviously a murderer and the court of public opinion by this biased podcast freed him.

It’s been amazing watching Rabia claim that Serial was somehow unfair to Adnan

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had a 7 hour power outage today

facebook group full of dipshits blaming biden for dynamiting the fossil fuel power plants, actual cause is that fucking TVA can’t keep their fossil fuel plants online in this cold weather apparently.

best part is literally everyone n the neighborhood had to post “IS ANYONE ELSES POWER OUT” instead of just READING THE SIX HUNDRED OTHER POSTS ASKING THAT which were all posted in the last 3 minutes

on top of this, my suburb has its own water system (we pump water from the same deep artesian aquifer as Memphis (directly adjacent)). Memphis had a boil water “suggestion” to some of its residents due to a temporary low pressure situation, everyone in my suburb was like OH SHIT DO WE BOIL WATER I CANT TELL IF WE’RE IN THE RED ZONE ON THIS MAP and if you try to explain “if you pay MLGW for water, you are on their water system, if you pay City of Germantown, you’re on Germantown’s system” they literally can’t wrap their head around it. IT ALL COMES FROM THE SAME AQUIFER IDIOT and then you try to explain that the problem isn’t the aquifer, it’s the pumping, it’s like talking to a fucking brick wall, I hope they all get cholera


Too many people view those neighborhood forums as a personal customer support for them.



Hans Gruber / a thief

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I’m watching It’s a Wonderful Life and thinking that Clarence is just showing George one of the many possible worlds in which George was never born, and for some reason he chose one of the worst ones.


The family dog/Xanta Claus

There’s a blast from the past.

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Just spent all day cooking for family and friends. They’ve all left. The house is tidy and now I cant find my car keys.



It was also a horrifying way to relitigate a case when you realize that tossing out wild unsubstantiated theories every episode either for drama and/or because you don’t actually know anything will lead the worst of the internet to respond as you’d expect when presented with wild unsubstantiated theories.


I don’t know if this is right. If you could make sure the road was clear you wouldn’t be in a pileup to begin with. I’d rather take my chances in a designed survivable crash cell than spend any amount of time exposed around colliding vehicles.

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My inlaws groupchat is a parade of unspeakable horrors, when my wife was a kid they frequently ate scrambled eggs with canned peas mixed in for breakfast, and always had this on xmas morning. Now all of her siblings (two sisters and three brothers) are posting pics of their kids eating it. The wife’s little brother’s wife, who is not exactly a domestic goddess, posted this:

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