2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Oh I wouldn’t be too overconfident about this. If you use a weak vault password then you probably have the same potential problem.

All this talk about passwords got me to log into my Vanguard account for the first time in a while. Unfortunately I have to report that a lot of money is missing. They are telling me that my account was not breached, and the missing funds are due to something called “not stonks.”



Sure if your vault password is weak. Mine is 19 mixed characters, numbers and symbols. It isn’t getting brute forced ever.

Are you sure? It’s a lot easier to brute force a password when the exact length is known.


2, back to back, lowkey comedic bangers.

Thank you. Was having a major WAAF sad this morning and needed a bump.

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@discobot roll 15d2

:game_die: 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2

hey @discobot roll 15d2

:game_die: 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2

@discobot roll 1d11

:game_die: 10

Critical hit!

Case in point, this happened yesterday near London, Ontario…


Highway 401 is currently closed along Lake Ontario and Lake Erie because conditions are even worse than that at the moment with the winds coming off the lake. We’re supposed to visit my mom on Monday, and we just found out the town she lives in closed all of their roads because they had to pull all their snow plows out of service — they couldn’t stay on the roads and one got stuck in a ditch.

JFC whoever was driving that was going way way too fast. People suck.

First thing if you get stopped in one of those. Make sure the road is clear and sprint as far away from the road as you can get. Come back to your car when there are tons of other cars stopped behind you.

Every year that passes I make more concessions to the cold. This year I spent $20 on a pair of Costco fleece-lined pants. I might not take them off until March.

This absolutely, and Nashville has relatively decent snow infrastructure. If you gp anywhere outside the city you are D-O-N-E fucked

Nashville January 2003. My girlfriend and I live about 25 miles from our school, with the city between the school and our house.

We both have early classes. 8 am, snow begins to fall outside of the classroom. My teacher releases us early and I check the forecast. I say fuck it and head home, arriving roughly 35 minutes later after navigating some tough parts due to the snow.

Her coach has not cancelled practice yet so she goes to her secod class at nine. About 15 minutes later, the teacher cancels class. 10 minutes after that, her coach cancels practice.

Its too late. Its now around 9:30 and the city is absolutely fucked. She leaves and heads home.

The 25 mile drive takes roughly 13 hours, and she arrives home shaken and crying a little after 10 PM. People have abandoned cars all over the freeway, she has taken multiple back roads that all lead to massive jams. I was on the phone with her until it died around 6 pm. Those last 4 hours are some of the hardest times Ive ever gone through. I cant imagine what it was like for her


This is coming. Apple and Google are working on a standard to provide better security that won’t require remembering passwords.

Merry Christmas Australia (and New Zealand and who else now)