2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

You are probably OK with this, but if the attacker knows you do this, you definitely are not.


How much worse is brain + 2FA?

what is the difference between irish and english breakfast tea?

I’m not familiar with Latine, but Latinx seems to be a term that was adopted with good intentions, but actually hated by the people it ostensibly describes.

Well, in that case, Latine must be the preferred one. Just saw it in an AOC tweet. I assume she knows what’s up.


Google says there are 171k words in the English language, so if you use four truly random ones, that’s about 5.5 E20 combos. Is that really not enough?

Latinx and Latine are both gender-neutral versions of Latino and Latina, whose -o and -a endings correspond to the masculine and feminine forms traditionally assigned to nouns and adjectives in the Spanish language. Although Latino is often used as the default gender-neutral form (both in Spanish and English), the words Latinx and Latine are used by those who want to avoid the association with gender altogether, as a way to avoid gendered language when it’s not relevant or specifically for use when referring to nonbinary people or groups in which more than one gender is represented. Latinx is more well-known among English speakers. Latine is sometimes preferred, especially when communicating in Spanish, for various reasons, such as being more natural to pronounce or to form plurals with. However, not everyone with this heritage uses Latine or Latinx, with many continuing to use Latino as a gender-neutral default. Additionally, some people instead prefer to identify with terms that indicate their heritage more specifically, such as Mexican American, among many, many others

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The push for using Latinx comes from trans activists and their allies. It works when addressing certain communities but may be counter-productive in addressing the general population, if your priority is winning elections.

Native speakers only know about 25,000 to 30,000 words and realistically if your password comes up like Esoteric-Conceptually-Maroon-Arrogant, you are probably going to smash the retry button even though you know all those words. There are probably only a few thousand words that people are going to find acceptable.

In all honesty I’d never actually use “correct horse battery staple,” and I use a password manager with strong passwords and adding 2FA on things that really matter, but the math behind using 4-5 random, non-sentence words seems pretty reasonable for sites that allow passwords that long, and they are more easily memorized.

Different blends. Irish has a stronger flavor.

It is 3 degrees and despite my efforts i worry my well is going to freeze

Fuck fyck fyck fuck I hate fucking winter I just

I just hate it.
It exposes every weakness


When I lived in the woods it was ok. Now I feel like I fight winter. … you can’t win a fight w nature.

More or less infrastructure is the answer… half measures do nothing

I use LastPass. They require 8 chars, upper and lower, and at least one symbol.

Irish breakfast tea is affable and pleasant and English breakfast tea is obnoxious and haughty and steals cultural artifacts from indigenous people around the world.


Waiting in Dunkin’ drive-thru this morning and the car in front of me has to open their door because their window wouldn’t roll down. I’m thinking to myself as I chuckle, oh that sucks it’s fucking cold out. And of course the winter gods are laughing at me because my window was frozen shut too and I had to do the same thing ordering and grabbing my coffee from the Dunkin’ employee.


Merry Christmas Unstuck. As ever in Australia, we live in the future and it has just ticked over to 00:00 Christmas Day. I can’t sleep. Peace on Earth and goodwill to all posters. The forecast today is 90 degrees, by the way, rising to 104 on Tuesday. Good luck with that whole polar vortex thing.


Merry Christmas to all the Aussies!

Jesus. Can’t imagine what it’s like in summer.


Roving gangs of murderous 100 pound spiders.

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