2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

I think zach might not be trying to understand.


Microchips are easy imo. Just millions of transistors chained together.

Every transistor is a T-gate, where voltage applied to the bottom of the T allows current to flow through the top of the T - completing a circuit. A completed circuit is a 1 in binary, a non-completed circuit is a 0.

This is done with quantum effects where the voltage applied allows electrons to ā€œtunnelā€ through a layer of silicon, and those electrons allow the circuit to be completed. (or something like that - itā€™s been a while). But itā€™s the exact same principle with an old vacuum tube.

Once you have a T-gate, you can combine them to create simple logic gates - AND (circuit is completed if two input circuits are on), OR (circuit is completed if either of two input circuits is on), XOR (circuit is completed if only one of two input circuits is on), NOT (output circuit is opposite of single input circuit). From those you can build anything.

Speakers and microphones OTOH are pure magic and I will never be convinced otherwise.

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You only hear the Beatles because of little wiggles in the air. Records are just copying the air wiggles into plastic wiggles.

Except when an instrument is plugged straight into the mixing desk. But that doesnā€™t happen much with tambourines.

How do we know that what you hear as the Beatles is the same as what I hear?

I mean, everyone can agree on whether a particular pitch is A-440 or not, or if a given song is I Want to Hold Your Hand, but itā€™s fundamentally unknowable how people perceive the same input.


Sharing this in case anyone uses LastPass. LastPass acknowledge a security breach but say that vaults are secure unless you used a weak vault password. But the information in this thread does not admit of many explanations other than that this is not true.


I donā€™t use lastpass. I use 1password. It literally canā€™t be breached because not even 1password knows your vault password. I am surprised lastpass doesnā€™t work this way too.


They claim that it does. I think what might be going on is this thread from a former LastPass employee.


Best guess, the writer of the original thread did not know this and had their vault selectively targeted and brute-forced.

LastPass does work that way and the vault passwords were not compromised afaik.

Awful lot of people with insecure vault passwords are going to get pwned though.

This is in the best case scenario, like according to what LastPass has already disclosed. If you used a 6-character vault password, all your pwds are belong to the attackers.

Shit like this is exactly why I donā€™t use a password manager. If that gets breached, Iā€™m am right fucked.

For anything important, my brain is my vault. I think Iā€™ve probably got a good 10 yrs at least before I need to figure out something else.

If your password is simple enough for you to reliably remember, that is almost certainly way less secure than using a password vault.

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But at least they would have to get each of them individually as opposed to cracking the vault and getting them all.

ā€œCorrect horse battery stapleā€ lied to me?

The answer for this kind of thing is a password manager with 2FA on important stuff right?

Is Latine equivalent to Latinx or is one preferred?

Anyone have thoughts on using Chrome to save passwords? (locally only)