2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

I think the point is the framing, and it’s not really that subtle. Yes burglary has a technical definition but it’s commonly assumed that the underlying motivation of burglars is theft (because it almost always is).

The FoxNews story emphasizes the burglary aspect of the incident, even putting that in the headline:

The same story on CNN has a completely different framing:

Emphasis on the vandalism, not the burglary. The CNN story does have the same quotes from the authorities referring to burglaries, and even uses “burglars” in the first paragraph that describes the incidents, but it provides much more context.

For example, while the Fox story makes no mention of the similar attacks in NC last month, or of the FBI warning, CNN goes into detail about this, e.g.,

The bureau in a November 22 bulletin warned of reports of threats to electricity infrastructure by people espousing racially or ethnically motivated extremist ideology “to create civil disorder and inspire further violence,” according to the alert sent to private industry.

I don’t think it’s surprising at this point that FoxNews is doing everything possible to downplay the threat of rightwing extremist terrorism.





By Mark Remy
June 25, 2022
New Yorker

“A few weeks ago, I was driving down the street, minding my own business, when a cyclist shouted something at me. It was either “Children’s books should reflect the full spectrum of humanity” or “Your brake lights are out.” My windows were up, so it was hard to hear.

As I pondered which it might be, a vehicle rear-ended me. And not just any vehicle. An electric vehicle—a favorite among the woke mob.

Partly to avoid encountering the woke mob, my wife and I often have meals delivered from restaurants to our home. The past two times, the delivery person has appeared vaguely androgynous, leaving me unsure of how to respond when my wife asks about the delivery person’s gender, which she usually does.

Both times, while I struggled to answer without saying the wrong thing, our food got cold.

Thanks, wokeness.

For years, the neighborhood coffee place has played music by bands like Creedence Clearwater Revival and Bob Seger—old-white-guy stuff that we used to call the classics. The woke baristas still play that music, but you can tell they’re not into it.

Also, they always seem to have plenty of copies of the New York Times and the local alt weekly lying around. Here’s how many Bibles you’ll find: zero.

I planted lettuce, beans, and carrots in my small back-yard garden, and they were all coming along nicely until something—or someone —picked them clean one night, leaving behind a trampled mess. I didn’t see who did it, but it’s common knowledge that many in the woke mob are vegetarians. You do the math.



Yes, all of this. Most people reading “burglars take out three power substations” are going to think it was guys stealing copper or something and not even read the story. And even if they did there’s no other context there to indicate why this might be an important story

Some major foreshadowing here from the writers.

yeah I agree with that

ok yes but this is different than what you said at first. well really you didn’t say much at all, you just implied that they didn’t know what the word “burglary” means which is basically the most hamfisted way to attempt to communicate “they’re purposefully misframing this to hide the fact that it’s domestic terrorists” you could have chosen

I learned this the hard way.

This is very cool

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I’ll give him props. This is some lionel hutz stuff



Oy vey that’s some hutzpah!


What’s the breakdown in Grandparents coming down to see the family? Is it really that rare?

Grandparents of people who own houses are old and shouldn’t be driving long distances.

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On the flip side, no one want to travel with infants and toddlers. When the kids were young, grandparents flew down. No driving involved at either end. Even to/from airport.

Everybody loves milkshake duck, the duck who gives raises! (Five minutes later) we regret to inform you the duck is a rapist.


I think it’s time to pause men from being in any positions of trust and authority, until we can figure out what is going on.


I’m not sure that is really going to stop or reduce the raping. Rapers gonna rape.

Though it may be a solid idea for other reasons.

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Didn’t know that but doesn’t change the economics. He can be a scum but it still shows companies can be more equal in terms on pay and still be profitable.