2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

This wasn’t as bad as i expected. I’ve driven in worse blowing snow/visibility but it was during the day so car lights didn’t stand out as much. Also there weren’t that many people dumb enough to be on the road so traffic and interactions with other cars were pretty limited.

We get white outs all the time where I live north of Toronto. They are pretty dangerous, like maybe you can crawl your way along and it will be fine 95%+ of the time, but the time your car runs off the road into a ditch in the dead of winter in a white out it literally becomes a life and death situation. The provincial police here close the roads a lot if there are snow squalls.

Ya trying to drive in a whiteout is suicide.

Just pull off on a secondary road and wait it out.

Here the white outs can last hours, that’s why they close the roads sometimes. Even if somebody has a good instinctive reaction to pull over and wait, people will panic after waiting for an hour and watching the snow pile up on and around their car. It’s a very dangerous situation.

Let’s not start this game. It will be a bloodbath. :wink:



You will get absolutely obliterated in music. The only thing that matters.

We lose in arts overall for sure.

My existence would be poorer without TV shows shot in Canada…

I’ve been in New Orleans for the last few days with my family, scheduled to fly home tonight. I can only assume we’re going to get stranded here or in Nashville. It’s really crazy to look at the forecast and see a range of 50 degrees between the high and low.

On a per capita basis Canadian arts seem pretty well represented. I can rattle off a pretty long list of well known Canadian actors, musicians, authors, etc. off the top of my head.


Now it looks like there’s a chance of rain and snow overnight. I wouldn’t mind that normally, but we have plans to visit friends about an hour away tomorrow night and friends across the city on Saturday, so I hope the roads are ok.

Avatar is an interesting movie in that it is very good and the 3D experience was mind-blowing when it came out, but it also isn’t a film that anyone really talked or thought about in the years afterward, aside from how it broke ground in 3D and visual effects.

I took the kids to watch it when it was re-released this year and they loved it (3D, of course). I also thought it held up really well and very much enjoyed it.

Predictable cheese can sometimes be spiritually uplifting.

Cookie cutter films that are diverse in other ways have always been interesting to me.

Blowdry is a great example.

right, it made billions of dollars and left zero cultural footprint. have you ever seen an Avatar meme?

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If someone tells you that they like Avatar, are they more likely to be talking about:
  • James Cameron
  • The Last Airbender

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Avatar less memorable then Blue Man Group imo.

I’m probably going to see Avatar for the same reason I’ve gone to see Cirque shows. Avatar is a JC joint which means you’re going for the technology/spectacle not for the story. The first Avatar was as good as he’ll ever do storytelling wise and it was basically just sci fi Dances with Wolves lol.

Wife is arguing that we should be preemptively renting a car to drive home. 14 hours.

“That’s ridiculous” has not been an effective counter so far.