2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

What you don’t understand is that it’s downswept.


The real trees where I live also cost $50, not $6,000.

Back when I had roommates, we’d decorate with a tree and other stuff (mostly using random lights and ornaments that our parents had passed along). But once I got my own place, I haven’t really done it. (1) I usually travel during the holidays, so I’m not doing much hosting. (2) I don’t have much space to store a fake tree and the process of moving a real one into and out of a busy condo building isn’t my idea of fun.

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We do a tree each year because my wife grew up in Muslim family and as a kid she was jealous of her friends that has Xmas trees and decorations and presents. The look of sheer joy on her face every year when we put up the tree is a highlight of my life. If I could make her that happy every day I would.


Sounds sweet. I love the look and smell of trees but don’t have enough desire for one to overcome my aversion to setup/care/takedown. It’s probably a laziness issue

We have a couple fake trees that we put up every year, no kids but my wife likes holiday decorating

I think this is just an example of a pricing algorithm gone wrong, like how sometimes you’ll see normal used books listed for $1000 on Amazon

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This motherfucker wearing that shit and sitting on that throne talking about bringing down the cost of living.



Lol, this. It would take 136 years for that purchase to pay for itself. 68 years if you got a really fancy $100 tree

Rishi is richer than Charles. Cut him some slack.


16 feet tall already strung up with lights though.

I have no clue what a real 16 foot tree would cost but unless you just Clark Griswold it and go cut down some giant tree in the woods it’s going to be many hundreds of dollars once you have someone deliver it

Whew, almost grunched into a slow pony situation.

I’m travelling for the holidays this year doing Thanksgiving with family in Florida and Christmas in Europe, meaning I don’t think we’re decorating a damn thing! At this point in time, I approve of this strategy if you have a 17 month old who will try to touch and tear them all down anyway. Future me will definitely hate the decision to travel so much with that same child though, ultimately I’m not sure where it will balance out at the end.

That crown Charlies is sporting only has 444 precious and fine gemstones but most of them don’t even seem that fancy today

345 rose-cut aquamarines, 37 white topazes, 27 tourmalines, 12 rubies, 7 amethysts, 6 sapphires, 2 jargoons, 1 garnet, 1 spinel, 1 carbuncle and 1 peridot.

It is made of like 4 pounds of 22 karat gold, though.

People have ceilings high enough for a 16 foot tree? I’d have to put my fake tree outside.

My grandma’s house looked like an Irish souvenir store threw up, and yes she had a plastic tree. How dare you.

My mother had a wide-ranging and eclectic list of things she considered shanty Irish. When your grandmother served milk or juice did she put the jug on the table or decant into a pitcher? Also: butter or margarine?

Can’t think of my grandma serving those things. She had 3 go to meals: pot roast in a crock pot, greasy hamburgers on white bread that immediately turned the bread pink and mushy, big tray of stouffer’s lasagna with garlic bread. I was always so happy when I walked in and smelled the garlic bread cooking.

She also liked to make weird fruit salads with like purple creamy jello or something.

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Haha, my mother’s family made something we universally referred to as “green stuff” that was green jello, cottage cheese, and pineapple.

Pretty sure you and I both have some pretty shanty Irish roots.


My grandmas fruit salad was a huge bowl of whipped cream/cool whip, marshmallows and various fruit. I have no clue if that is a normal thing people consume but i loved it as a kid.

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