2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

They hate us cuz they anise?


Would that be a good substitute for vanilla, e.g. in brownies?

Iā€™m finally in a life situation where a bike seems to be worth the purchase (no longer in as walkable an area as Iā€™m used to).

I know I should just get a basic hybrid bike for like $600 or whatever, but maaaan I am having a hard time not just jumping straight to a $4000 e-bike.

iā€™d rather burn calories and not worry about it getting stolen.

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You want a moped in the shape of a bicycle?

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Except theyā€™re awesome and mopeds suck.

So worth it if you live in an area thatā€™s not completely flat and bike reasonable amounts. You can bike all year without issues, only thing stopping you will be extreme amounts of snow.


Poor business owners just canā€™t win.


Reminded me of this. Thought it was an Onion headline at first


My gf recently bought a bike, I already owned one. Weā€™ve been biking a bit recently. I donā€™t know where you live but I would say if you donā€™t know what to get, get a standard bike, and you can always buy an ebike later and you wonā€™t have wasted much money. You can just sell the other bike for a couple hundred less. My gf was tossing up on an ebike vs normal bike and happy she opted for the latter. One trap you can fall into is being too aspirational, i.e. thinking youā€™re going to go bike trails or something. In reality youā€™ll probably just use it in your local area. But if your local area is hilly as shit, then sure, ebike.

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That is the logic Iā€™m trying to force on myself.

I want it for the small trips that I used to be able to walk (grocery, gym) and maybe an occasional ride to the beach. A standard bike will do just fine. But yes I live in a super hilly area and the thought of pedal assist getting me home after a squat workout is super tempting haha

Iā€™ve bought a couple of bikes from here and have been very satisfied (one was a $2200 carbon road bike).

They have an electric that looks like a good price

Battery or not, itā€™s getting stolen if itā€™s an Urban area.

yā€™all mother fā€™kers ready for CHRISTMAS? Home Depot is by god


Getting a pre-lit artificial tree from Costco several years ago was maybe the smartest thing Iā€™ve ever done.

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Same. My wife has Christmas tree smelling candles because I miss the scent of a real tree in the house.

Iā€™m not one who loves holiday decorating, but a real tree is worth it every time.


My mother considered artificial trees to be ā€œshanty Irishā€, a label she INTENSELY desired to avoid, having grown up poor and Irish. All these years after sheā€™s gone and I still canā€™t do it because sheā€™d be so upset.

Also I like the smell of a real tree.


Those that do trees, real or fake, I assume itā€™s for kids? I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever done a tree as an adult, and canā€™t think of any friends that have either except those with kids.

Iā€™m sorryā€¦does that say six THOUSAND eight hundred and nine dollars and ninety-nine cents?


Wow, inflation really is bad, I guessā€¦

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Hmmmm. Yes my kids would be sad if we didnā€™t do a tree. Canā€™t say for sure what Iā€™ll do when theyā€™re not home for Christmas, I guess weā€™ll cross that bridge when we get to it.

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