2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

There is a storm front rolling through Seattle right now with heavy rain, lightning, and thunder which is really rare! And I’m all doing my best Midwest dad impression on my porch watching it rain. To be honest though, the grass didn’t need this at all.


yeah, big sailing regatta was canceled. market st is a river. in about half hour it’s going to be beautiful.

What are you doing outside Moscow Idaho? The scenery seemed good in the footage of those killings.

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Visiting WSU, I assume.

This. Family weekend.

The Palouse is indeed beautiful. Rainy today tho. Go Cougs!


As far as I can see there are zillions of individuals offering these types of services. My experience is that most are terrible at it and offer little to no value.

Or on the opposite end of the spectrum, there are mammoth agencies who charge exorbitant fees and may or may not (like the one I recently signed on to) be good at what they do, but you’d better have the budget for their services or it will never make sense to use them.

Then there’s the cheaper offshore talent you can find on Fiverr or Upwork. Equally hit or miss. Usually miss.

In short, there’s good talent out there, but you have to wade through a cesspool to find it.

However, if Ms. Rugby is good at what she does and has a highly targeted niche like you are suggesting, there’s always room for someone who is really good at what they do and who provides true value to a group desperately in need of these services.

Those who can deliver true value will find themselves with more work than they can handle.

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My wife considered doing the same thing and competition is brutal. You need an amazing network and word of mouth recommendations to be a success. She decided to join a small existing consulting company at that time that already had the network. Later she moved back to being marketing manager at a small company as the stable income was more important to us than the chance of more money as a consultant.

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I’m also trying to tell her that she should build a Manila team. So she can be the high value front end and focus on sales, then she can get good people in Manila to do a lot of the work.

It can be done, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. In fact, a big part of the reason for my disastrous engagement with the company I mentioned above was that they do that very thing–and very badly. A huge disorganized mess–with poorly delivered work.

And while Filipino workers are certainly cheaper than American counterparts, the best of them aren’t that cheap. Success on the back end will come down to really finding exceptional talent.

Yeah. She’s from Manila. So has a network in marketing.

And my field is outsourcing. So I figure with her network and my advice/expertise, we should have a competitive advantage.

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In that case, sounds like you can definitely make it work. Best of luck!


One thing I like about Chris Hooks is his turn of phrase and the way he can pithily describe the insanity of Texas politics

At that time, Rinaldi and Bennett had more in common with the Bush era of Republican politics than with what was coming down the road. But Bennett started to radicalize, in part, observers thought, because of a protracted and expensive fight he waged with the Tarrant Regional Water District board, which sought to lay a pipeline across his ranch. Bennett spent millions of dollars to successfully stop it—even planting a cemetery in the pipeline’s path that included the remains of one Black World War II veteran—and seemed to emerge from the fight with a much more stringent and uncompromising view of politics.

Rinaldi would accomplish little with the power he attained. His opposition to Straus guaranteed he had weakened influence in the chamber. He fell in with a group of Dunn-funded, ostracized lawmakers, especially Jonathan Stickland, from Bedford, between Fort Worth and the DFW Airport. Like Islamists in prison, shorn of connections to the outside world and forced together, they radicalized.

Rinaldi represented a reddish but potentially swing-voting suburban district that encompassed parts of Coppell and Irving. But in the Legislature, he acted as if he represented a much more right-wing electorate, joining the House Freedom Caucus and sometimes going to war against local officials from his district. His political instincts, in other words, were not always terrific: he preferred strong feelings to strategic thinking.

That deficit became most apparent on the last day of the 2017 legislative session, which featured an ugly debate over a “show your papers” immigration law, which would allow cops to ask motorists and others for proof of legal residency. In the gallery, Rinaldi saw pro-immigration protesters. So he called U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement on them and then, unwisely, crossed to a huddle of Democratic lawmakers to tell them he had done so. This was online logic in real life: Rinaldi presumably felt impotent, and he was trolling.

A scuffle broke out. Democratic state representative Poncho Nevárez told Rinaldi he would find him in the parking lot later, to which Rinaldi reportedly replied that he would “put a bullet in your head.” It was one of the nastiest moments at the Legislature in modern times.

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I can read and I know what this says, but I cannot for the life of me stop mispronouncing the second word. Am I just broken?


Drink more ouzo.

Paging Dr. Freud


I do actually prefer tsipouro because there is a non-anise version

Ann like princess anne + iss like ithmus

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Does he pronounce it uh-niece and would Freud interpret that as something to do with a niece?

I was once in a candy aisle deciding which old-timey candy I wanted, the anise-flavored or the horehound.

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