2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

God, is Myrtle Beach not the best?!

Haha one of the comments: ā€œbut this is pretty close to how every Terminator movie starts.ā€


The last Beatles song:


I just heard a story of a guy getting poisoned by his gf (common law wife) after he broke up with her because he was inheriting 30 million dollars.

She thought she could kill him and get the money due to common law but in her state common law didnā€™t exist. Even better turns out the inheritance was a complete scam. Nigerian prince scam level.

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May I vent for a moment before I lose my mind?

I recently engaged with a consulting company for my business. Long story short it was a terrible decision on my part. In fact, the worst business decision I have ever made, and one that has cost me thousands. I am aghast at the extent to which this company is the largest in the industry, and yet is the epitome of a bad actor.

The entire purpose of their existence, I found out far too late unfortunately, is to extract as much money from its clients with zero intent to help them or provide the service for which they were hired in a sincere way.

Shame on me for ignoring numerous warning signs. But I just cannot fathom 1) how a company with such an approach to business can be so ā€œsuccessfulā€ and 2) how the people involved in that company can possibly look at themselves in the mirror every day.

I know we discuss horrible aspects of society every day on this forum, but it will never cease to shock me how such people can not only act like this and live with themselves, but actually thrive at other peopleā€™s expense.



Unfortunately this is the modus operandi of many consulting businesses. They often make money regardless of success and they often evolve to where they are just trying to trick their customers out of money. If they help, itā€™s a happy accident.

This is not all consultants obviously, but it is just a very common type of air you breath in that industry.

They are giving out bonuses based on billing, not good feelings from the customers.


Iā€™m not going to watch that because I donā€™t want to amplify my pain or reignite my anger.

Itā€™s not McKinsey. But it may as well be. Iā€™m fortunate to be in a situation financially where I can afford to bear the brunt of my costly mistake. But I feel for the countless others this company will continue to harm who cannot.

And the sad thing is that thereā€™s nothing I can do about it.

Donā€™t get too down on yourself. They present themselves as having the ability to help and so many people use them, they must be doing something right. The problem is a lot of people hiring these people are not going out of their own pocket so if it doesnā€™t work out itā€™s not that big of a deal.


Not only do they pull all that shit, they also steal any unique and original ideas that your own people come up with and market them to your competitors.


In this case, itā€™s a consultancy marketing to small business people like myself, who donā€™t have huge margins in their business to play with, and who will be directly impacted if they have the same experience I didā€“and Iā€™m sure there are many who have and will.

The final insult to injury is that I am going to have to actually pay them an early termination fee to cancel an agreement I should have never entered into, and which they did not properly honor.

But there is no way I can ever win a court case against their team of corporate liars, and even if I could, the stress and cost and time are just not worth it.

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Were they supposed to build anything for you, like software or a website?

Marketing & advertising support for a web-based business, which was supposed to include deliverables that were never delivered. The engagement was a disaster from beginning to end.

And I know the difference between good service and bad, because I had previously worked with a different, much smaller, less costly offshore company, which was great, and which I will be going back to.

But I allowed myself to be swayed by the false promise of greater growth & greater expertise (at a greater cost, of course) that never materialized. Quite the contrary, in fact.

As disgusted with this company as I am, and rightfully so, ultimately I only have my own poor decision making to blame. And thatā€™s a bitter pill to swallow. But swallow I must.


A lot of management consulting is producing a bullshit PowerPoint deck that makes the management team at the client look good or covers their asses if something goes wrong.


Iā€™m in an Airbnb in Idaho outside Moscow - a beautiful guest house. The listing said something like ā€œyou can expect to see our smiling unmasked faces welcoming you when you arriveā€, but I only noticed that after I booked. And here is the coffee:

tastes like freedom

Right wingers love Jews now right?


When theyā€™re killing Arabs half a world away, sure.


How is the marketing industry for small businesses?

Mrs Rugby is in the process of setting up a business doing marketing for small businesses, especially those owned by immigrant women who might find it harder to access business services successfully. Seems like a great idea to me, but not sure who the competition are she might face is.

Thats a hell of a dice roll

They love Jews ā€¦ in their place.

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Whatever you do, donā€™t try to replace them. This will agitate them.

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