2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

First time in an actual neighborhood last night. No one came. Now we have all that candy and I have no self control.


Only if you’re super cool and hyper-online.


Fully 30% of the Halloween costumes here were just some version of a Pennywise mask. Is this just a Bronx thing or is everyplace like that?


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They were afraid you had fentanyl.

We barely got any trick-or-treaters, either. Though in our case, I’m pretty sure it’s because the annual Halloween block party was in a different part of the neighborhood, so lots of the kids started from there and didn’t get to our house. We have a pretty good corner of the neighborhood, too - there are more houses closer to together than some of the other parts.

I only got to answer the door dressed as a mad scientist once.

Had 26 trick or treaters last night. Slightly below average, but it was colder than usual.

Mostly very small kids. A lot of princesses. Most memorable costume was Left Shark.

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One high school kid came to the door by himself with no costume, apologized for it, and admitted he was just in it for the candy.


This is a long story and not important at all but I thought it was amusing enough to share.

My four year old son started soccer this fall. In his group was a kid probably 5 or 6, let’s call him Damien who was just the worst little shit. Ignoring coaches, telling everyone how amazing at soccer he was. At least twice he kicked a ball directly at a kid (not even in a game just while everyone was standing around) and hit them in the face/chest causing them to run off the field crying. I’ve never hated a child as much as I hate this kid.

A month or so ago my wife and I got into an argument about cops. I told her that’s no such thing as a good cop. She’s got a cousin who’s a cop and is positive he’s a good cop. More to the argument but that’s the gist.

My family and I went out trick or treating last night. We ran into Damien.

Damien the cop.

God she was pissed


Also, religion bad.

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Lots of pennywise costumes by us too. My niece wanted to be a jellyfish, and my sister made it happen. I may be biased but pretty sure she won best costume in the neighborhood.

Wish I took a video, but she was doing a jellyfish dance making the legs bounce up and down and it was too freaking cute.

Also, my sisters neighborhood does Halloween better than any other place I’ve seen. Everybody sets up a table on their driveway, some with fire pits/marahmallow roaating. Lots of houses have adult treats like jello shots or whiskey shots. Hundreds of kids and parents, and they all are out from 5-8ish. Much more efficient, creates a sense of community, all the adults get to socialize a bit more, and the kids have a blast. It’s so smart.


A safe space for Black people is the Black church. I give them a pass for being more religious than other people.


The neighborhood in Torrance I walk through on my way to and from the gym is like this. Half the houses are decked out, everyone outside in the driveways. It’s pretty cool. They also go nuts decorating for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

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People in my neighborhood gathered at a crossroads at 5:30pm last night and made a little Halloween parade before going on their spooky way. I would say at least 50% of houses participated by directly handing out candy or at least had the light on with a bowl of candy, so we ended up with a nice haul. That whole haul is Dad taxed too because he’s only 17 months old and doesn’t get candy yet, so of course I’ve been woofing it down. Like, I intentionally made a basic rice + bean & cheese burrito meal last night so I would have the extra calories to munch on candy.


I’ve lived in three different residential neighborhoods in LA over the past 16 years: total of 1 trick or treater. I still buy candy every year JUST IN CASE

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Our neighborhood is pretty good about Halloween. Multiple places have jello shots, beer, hot dogs and hamburgers for the adults and candy for the kids. Multiple places have projects showing the World Series and one playing Twilight (lol). One house had cleared out their 3 car garage and set up buffet tables full of food, pies, brownies etc.

Halloween still gets my vote for best holiday and if the rest of the world gets Halloween through American cultural imperialism we would have done at least one good thing


yeah, we always end up unprepared in different ways. some years we overbuy candy and hardly anyone comes, and other years we are understocked. i developed a theory this year, basically tuesday/wednesday is teh nutlow for trick-or-treaters. the businesses around us held a trick-or-treat on saturday/sunday, and we saw a lot of parents and kids in costumes get their haul before oct 31, and the cold weather yestrday scared off many.

otoh, if halloween were on friday/saturday/sunday, you better get stocked up extra.

identifying bad apples early is a blessing

When I was a kid, and talking to my parents yesterday, this is still the case in their neighborhood, we did trick or treating during the day on the Sunday closest to (before) Halloween.

I never knew any different, but I always enjoyed it. It was warmer, safer, and you could see everyone’s costumes. And it’s more convenient on the weekend (except for having to answer the door during a football game).

In college, we didn’t expect trick or treaters, but one year, we had a surprise knock on the door. We had no candy, but didn’t want to send the kids away empty handed, so we found some Fig Newtons and gave each kid a few.