2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

It’s -41 today. Go Canada!

Fun fact:
-40 commie units = -40 freedom units


Step 1 - Give already rich effective altruists millions of dollars to buy castles in Europe
Step 2 - ???
Step 3 - ONE HUNDRED TRILLION potential human lives


LOL my HP home printer blocks any non HP ink cartridges FUCK YOU

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Yes, they are all real

I just checked them all out. Not bad, but she has pretty limited tastes in music.

Luckily grapefruit sucks anyway, and literally any other fruit in Earth history tastes better and has more nutrients


Also what the hell difference does the number of human lives matter unless you believe there’s an astronomical number of souls who are waiting their turn to live lives

It’s like the abortion argument. To be anti-abortion you have to believe a soul has inhabited the fetus, and isn’t allowed a second chance at any other fetus

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That’s how a bottom gets an abortion

A kumsquat

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It is hard to argue with grapefruit as worst fruit. I can’t think of another fruit that people eat more-or-less solely because they’re “supposed to”. I have never had durian tho.


Texas Rio Star grapefruit is insanely good. It’ll completely change your opinion of the fruit.

Why it says here that this grapefruit was made in New York City?


Jesus Christ itt filet o fish is good and grapefruit is bad! What the fuck is wrong with you people. You have to have all lost your taste due to covid.

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Learn how to smoke weed you monster.


It seems plausible that it’s better to have 2 million happy lives than 1 million happy lives if everyone in the larger group is just as happy as everyone in the smaller group. But this type of reasoning can lead to some strange conclusions and is controversial in moral philosophy.

I don’t think it’s bad, I kinda like it. But still the worst fruit. Melon is close, though. I don’t like melon in general, and bad melon is bad.

Honeydew is the nut low fruit by a mile.


Melons are the king of fruit. The only thing better, at least theoretically, is the seedless mango.

A good honeydew is elite. Seedless watermelon is proof that god is neither omnipotent nor beneficent, as man perfected his creation.

They celebrated the liberation of Kherson with watermelons. Ain’t nobody celebrating anything with grapefruit.


Watermelon is the most overrated fruit. There, I said it.