2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

If you have tartar sauce in your refrigerator you might be a ?

Only in America would someone make a poll where the options are ā€œI ate heavily processed breaded frozen fishā€ and ā€œI didnā€™t eat fishā€.


I hadnā€™t heard of P-22 until the prior post in the thread about his capture. The Podcast 99% Invisible had a recent episode about him (titled Cougar Town), just listened to it this week. Very sad. Great eulogy.

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Thanks I havenā€™t been to a Mcdonalds in a while. Will those mix your own soda stations serve me up a piping hot mug of Dr Pepper?

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Just ask for the fish burger

Looks like hunter biden


Iā€™ve posted about this beforeā€¦ there are TONS of dangerous medication interactions that grapefruit juice has with MANY commonly prescribed medications. If you take blood pressure meds, any antidepressant, or pretty much anything else regularly, you should check before you ever eat a grapefruit. Or drink a greyhound.

Hereā€™s a pretty fascinating article about it:





There are few resources in space. We canā€™t go fast enough to go anywhere but Mars. Astronauts irretrievably lose a huge chunk of their muscle mass and bone density in space. Thereā€™s no easy solution to protect against cosmic rays.

Iā€™m all for space exploration. But it needs to be in robotic form for many generations to make any sense. There is no other earth out there waiting for us to expand into. A population explosion in space is so far in the future as to be meaningless.


OTOH according to Bostrom this is all a simulation so I donā€™t see what the big deal is

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cyp450 yo

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Every day I jerk off we lose at least ONE HUNDRED MILLION potential human lives that could have lived.


Not reading ldo, but gonna just assume that there are no negitive externalities from the 100 trillion (lol) people that are going to be created every second. After all, we havenā€™t fucked anything up yet!


Yeah, but imagine how many baby Hitlers are in that 100 trillion.


I put the value of that at zero or less.


Sklansky lives ITT


Nick Bostrom is a legit philosopher and interesting guy.

Dont read too much into dumb Twitter takes.

An interesting story, a Republican who won a solidly Democrat state rep area in New York seems to have entirely made up his life story

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Typical liberal lamestream media ā€œgotchaā€ questions like ā€œare you actually who you say you areā€? FAKE NEWS!