I remember young kids liking the bushes just because they could shout “WE WANT BUSH”.
Yeah some. But not in the numbers as Boomers. They make a lot of noise, but I’m not that worried about Proud Boy wannabes as a voting block. Any of the ones that ever want a gf or wife will probably snap out of it.
Obviously there are rural whites, which I see as mostly a lost cause. But that’s not changing and is already factored in imo.
Rural white men are probably more get-able than upper middle class white men. That’s the voting block I’m thinking of, white guys in their 20s who grew up middle class or higher. There are a lot of people there, and they’re already conservative.
Age and the 2022 election
Age continues to be strongly associated with voting preferences in U.S. elections. Nearly seven-in-ten voters under 30 (68%) supported Democratic candidates in 2022 – much higher than the shares of voters ages 30 to 49 (52%), 50 to 64 (44%) and 65 and older (42%) who did so.
I have been reading about the young vote being significantly Democratic for decades. So why is the 40+ demo still majority republican? Is it that young democrats stop voting, young republicans don’t vote when young but do when older or do democrats switch when older?
Like I said, a lot of people in my generation were apolitical in their 20s and 30s and caught the brainworms in their 40s and 50s. There are studies that show once people identify strongly with a side, they rarely switch.
A much higher % of 20-year-olds, and even teens, are voting now than when I was in my 20s. And as bad as Gen-X is, they’re still a better D/R split than Boomers, who are finally starting to die off in droves.
The real divide is rural/urban imo. Just listen to Country music some time.
I think a not terrible theory is that people don’t become right-wing as they age, it’s just that the country is continually moving left, and people who are somewhat left-leaning in their younger days become status quo as they get older and end up more"conservative" cuz things have changed.
I realize it doesn’t feel like it to us right now, and some of it might have to do with poor defining of terms, but at some level the country is continually moving left (not hard when you literally start with slavery and barring women from voting). More recent/relevant than slavery and women’s rights, I suppose, would be Bill Clinton and stuff like “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” and Obama and gay marriage. Those positions were sorta centrist Dem but now feel centrist Repub (I know, I know, “they’re the same picture”, but that’s not really true).
I’m not a doom and gloom guy, I just think that online voter registration numbers need to be taken with a grain of salt. There are a lot of people whose political engagement begins and ends online.
Unless you believe that recent WaPo poll that had Trump beating Biden by 19 points among those under 40.
Disclosure: I do not believe that poll.
I put a lot more stock in the 2022 results.
Being good at arguing with people, the most critical of all workplace skills.
Being able to take criticism without going to HR or dragging your boss in TikTok is a valuable skill. Or Facebook if we’re talking about an Xer.
writers reached a tentative deal.
no word on screen actors yet
jesus scuzzer who has never been right about anything thinks this? we are truly fucked.
Wait until they get married and start paying taxes.
Hang on, being told zoomers will be doing neither for the foreseeable future.
Not this cycle. Trump’s wheelhouse is rural white men.
Getting married is terrible for Democratic electoral prospects wat.
Marriage, kids, and property ownership invariably lead to conservative trends.