2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

It was an A poll last cycle fwiw.


If the 2022 midterms didn’t change your doom and gloom outlook on the American electorate, then I think you just like living in doom and gloom.

The real threat imo is losing our democracy before the Boomers die off. And of course the world will probably be in climate change chaos in a generation or two. But the US electorate turning more right-wing is not a threat that keeps me up at night.

Hey, I was the least pessimistic obnoxiousBrO in these wilds prior to the Midterms.

And I am actually being serious: trends away from marriage and the housing market being increasingly exclusive are great signs for current and future democratic prospects.

Basically, the more HaveNots the better.

a land slide blue wave is coming.

we are basically voting on whether or not to end democracy next year.

republicans will lose the white college vote - people for whom the system is working. they have a mortgage and don’t want to tear it all down.

at least thats what ive been telling myself

I would say it’s a bit more nuanced than that. A lot of core Republican types would be fine with eliminating democracy if it meant handing the keys to the dictatorship to a competent administrator that could keep taxes low, corporate profits high, and the lower classes in their proper place. But they don’t want to end America’s experiment in democracy to give control to a coalition of QAnon moms and Nazis.

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Do you mind defining what “land slide blue wave” would look like?

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Yeah Gen X breaking so hard to the right has been really disappointing but it also makes sense. They have a lot of generational advantages over Millennials and Gen Z and conservative policies will help preserve those. Also Gen X grew up in a world where using gay as a pejorative was totally normal. A lot of them feel social progress has gone too far. This is especially true outside of major cities. It’s a reason why the whole anti woke thing seems kind of eye roll to the educated online crowd but actually resonates electorally.


And they’ll always find a way to talk themselves into believing the second is secretly the first until the leopard eats their face too.

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Of course. It’s not like these people are filled to the brim with empathy. They can’t imagine what the Facing Eating Leopard Class really believes because they aren’t generally capable of putting themselves in someone else’s shoes like that.

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I think they over perform the polls and win back the house. I think we discussed before that the senate map is very bad for Democrats so not sure how that plays out.

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This sounds like what I think, but I wouldn’t call it a “blue wave” if that happens.

If Biden wins the same states he won in 2020, Democrats take the house by 8-12 seats and Republicans get a 51-49 majority in the senate, maybe I’d call that a “blue trickle”.

Blue wave for me would be something like winning the house by 40, Biden winning NC and improving on all the states he won before, and flipping at least one very unlikely senate seat like FL or TX.

Def think we are going to win house by a lot of seats, senate who knows and feel pretty good about Biden



That 9% number should give pause to those mad at the Ds for not going harder to the paint.

It would be interesting to see what that looked like before Trump.

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America is so conservative that its far-right Fascist party is in the Goldilocks zone of just-enough-conservatism while its “left” “Liberal” party is the Mama bear not-conservative-enough party.


Ok, gonna do this within the hour. Site should go down briefly, then come up.

Edit: done.

Looks like there are some appearance changes. Not sure what to do about that.


Twitter check


ETA: Looks like twitter previews work now.


Oh hell yeah. I forgot that’s what motivated me to finally upgrade in the first place.


Looks like hitting the hamburger menu button on the upper left will close the left navigation menu and make things look pretty close to what they used to be: