2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

I don’t think the actual medicine is patent protected. It’s the delivery mechanism that they have control over.

You can go to a compounding pharmacy and get the medication in regular syringes. It’s 75%-80% cheaper that way but there are some issues with that too.

Man, this is really impressive “technically the truth” misleading.


Everyone knows that lie detector tests have a left wing bias! They’re WOKE!


Sounds scary

Why is embedding a gif so damn difficult?

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Right click, open in new tab, grab the address from the address bar of the new tab and paste it here.


Word has some really funky ideas about what is and what shouldn’t be hyphenated.


Use your world wide web browser to navigate to this. NSFW

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I’d actually have to read the patents to know, and I think there may be complexities with compounding pharmacies under US law. If the patent did not cover the molecule of semaglutide or similar species (which, according to the FDA: “Semaglutide belongs to a class of medications known as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists. It mimics the GLP-1 hormone that is released in the gastrointestinal tract in response to eating.”) A patent could still cover methods of treatment using the molecule or class of molecules, and then you’re into the weeds on patents on treatment methods, of which there is a significant body of law. Interestingly, there may be even better treatments than semaglutide in the same general class, or it’s performance could be improved with some other additives, and these new formulations would be subject to patent protection.

Suffice to say, even a patent that didn’t cover the molecule (or class of molecules) could still be a major barrier to competition. And, as they are making so much money on Ozempic, any colorable case will be filed and litigated vigorously.

I think it’s because of a shortage for semaglutide that compounding pharmacies can mix it up themselves



See ya in the 2050s.

Feels like murder suspects brag IN JAIL about killing the person they’re in for half the time.

How old will he be? Close to 80?

Gee, I wonder if the lawyers cared more about their cult than their defendant?

"Masterson’s attorneys tried to downplay the role of Scientology throughout both trials. His attorneys stressed to the jury that they cannot be biased against any religion, telling jurors during trial, “Scientology is not a defendant” and that “Scientology is not an element of this case.”

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today i learned that a major taboo in this religion is “calling the police on crimes committed by other members of this very real religion”


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That See You in Your 70’s Show



For those in the market, Costco has their full body massage chair at 50% off for one day only.


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