2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

So a friend posted the flyers they’re passing out in Ohio

Top half is absolutely PERFECT messaging for a place like Ohio, where you have a lot of dumb people who don’t pay attention and happen to lean toward the 'murica! side of conservatism.

Like, I would never ever mention “reproductive rights” to these people, just bang on the drum of “vote yes to freedom” messaging. Hopefully the yard signs are just the top half of this flyer.

As an organizer I understand the necessity of the bottom half (these are probably targeted toward likelier voters, anyway), but as a strategist…just talk about freedom…don’t even need to say what kind.


Apparently they can’t escape because it’s too muddy


Didn’t we just get done beating these guys last month? Oh well, time to embarrass the GOP one more time.

Yeah fuck democracy.

still definitively better than the alternative, all of them are better than the places that are the alternative

maybe like Saudi Arabia inexplicably might not be if they tried it but that’s about it.

Hmm? Sky seems to be against democracy and pro conning people for votes. You disagree?

sounds like you are against freedom to me


Y’all crack me up. When Republicans do this literally ALL THE TIME you whine about how weak Dems are and that they need to message like this.

Now they do and you act all high and mighty about it? I can’t imagine why.

I don’t suppose you have some links to him whining about this. I do remember some people doing that. He wasn’t one of the ones who came to mind. But I may have missed or forgotten something.

Uh oh, @skydiver8 made a post. Raise the hackles!


Why are you raising your hackles (not sure what that means) when skydiver post?


Asking for receipts of a forum leftist whining about weak Dems is peak Melkerson.


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There’s an entire thread! Come on, man.

We’re all just a homogeneous mass to you, aren’t we? No wonder you don’t believe in democracy.


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You really don’t have anything better to do here than bully skydiver, huh?