2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Yeah, I guess I can see it if it’s not a direct decision on her part. She’s got people to manage shit and they’re just trying to do the best job they can.

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Some article says she took 170 flights in the first 7 or 8 months of 2022, lol wat. She probably uses it to go anywhere 100+ miles away which is pretty gross. And yeah then her people came out and said she isn’t personally on all of the flights.

To charter a larger jet like hers it’s going to be approaching $10k per hour.

She’s mid and so is her music.


She just gave her tour people a 55 million dollar bonus. If she had people like you running things it’d be like a 50 million dollar bonus!

Yeah that’s the all in cost, as the lessor she’d get what, a third of that?

Thinking personal jets has anything to do with global warming is why we have global warming. If you care about global warming the only issue is industrialization and energy policy in China and India. Most other things are just noise, especially celebrity and rich person travel. When people bring up such travel it makes me think they care more about virtue signaling than global warming.

rofl the country that uses 20% of the worlds energy and it’s elite who use 100 times that already grotesque amount per capita are conveniently not the problem.


The problems are innumerable

Have a friend that owns a couple of jets. He uses them when he needs to, but otherwise they’re part of a rental fleet. He breaks about even on owning the jet, except for the tax write-offs.

I think his fast jet (a citation 10, the fastest private jet that was made) is like $8k an hour to rent.

It makes sense as he doesn’t have a pilot on staff. He basically pays the same amount as the people that rent his plane do to use it. Still has to pay the pilot, fuel, and the maintenance insurance on the engines.

She’s at most a 1 billionaire. Safe withdrawal rate is 40 million. Her jet is her whole year’s budget of expenditures. And she has two!

Checkmate libs

You have likely heard several Taylor swift songs even if you don’t realize it.

Like if someone went through her hits with you you would acknowledge at least two.

She pays people to make money with her money. I doubt she is very involved in those decisions other than nodding “okay”.

I would say that it’s hard to imagine someone caring so little about or even disliking music so much that they never knowingly listened to a Taylor Swift song, but then I remember that my mom was like that.

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Gonna have to disagree. Not knowing if my friend could tell a Taylor Swift song from an Ariana Grande or a Feist song or not knowing the difference between a Puff Daddy, Jay-Z or Kanye song doesn’t mean they don’t care about music. They may listen to different genres.

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Music, musac

Kids don’t know a fucking thing, and it’s fine that they flock to the most flamboyant uh presentation or whatever.

I don’t need to know a fucking thing about it, unless it’s good or original, and then the universe will direct me. No direction yet lol

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Oh my bad, I think I might have misunderstood your post. I didn’t think it was about differentiating or recognizing. I would find it weird if someone who is interested in contemporary music hasn’t knowingly listened to a Taylor Swift song (or Jay-Z or Kanye for that matter). But yeah, I am sure there are a ton of people who wouldn’t be able to tell you if some pop song they happened to hear in a store was Taylor Swift or not.

ETA (also, yes, I just added *contemporary as an important qualifier that also changes things)

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At the risk of nitting this up, any jet costs are likely tax deductible business expenses for Swift.

Pffffff deduct business expenses, why bother, she’s a billionaire