2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Just to pee a little bit in the “Taylor Swift is awesome” Cheerios:


Where is Mayweather going lol

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From what I remember most of T Swift’s jet usage wasn’t actually her flying, it was her letting people rent her jet while she wasn’t using it. Probably the same deal Floyd and Jay Z.

Why the fuck does some that rich let other people rent their jet? It’s not like she needs the money.

I’m sure there is a reasonable explanation, I’m just not sure what it is.

If she’s on tour who cares. She’s going out and making thousands of people happy every night. And it’s legitimate work transport. What is she, supposed to fly commercial? Not practical.

Whereas Bill Gates flying on private jets lecturing the peasants about climate change gets pretty tiresome.


She was not on tour in 2022.

Why not? If she’s not going to use it for a week let some other guy use it. Otherwise it’s just sitting there.

Does anyone else not know if they have ever heard a Taylor Swift song? Asking for a friend.


It’s almost certainly for a tax write-off.

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Letting a friend borrow it is different. Actually charging rent seems weird.

If my buddy wants to borrow my car I don’t charge him a rental fee. I wouldn’t even ask for gas money, but I suspect most of them would put some in there without asking.

Ok, well, I guess if we’re talking a lot more money than just whatever renting a jet costs, maybe that might move the needle.

Rich people still care about money. In fact, they usually care about it even more than us poors.


I think your friend knows if they have heard one (they have). They just don’t know when.

I’m sure one of the accounting people on here could verify, but my understating is that if you’re rich enough you can write-off most/all the cost of private jets/yachts by setting up a business that rents them out when you’re not using them.

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Is it weird to rent out your vacation house for ten months if you only go there two months a year?

Anyway your car isn’t an eight figure asset that you don’t use all that often. She can probably get ten grand every time she rents it out. And it’d probably be no hassle, she can just have her people let NetJet know when they can lease it out. This would make even more sense if she has the jet mostly for touring. She’s using it a lot, so you’d want to own it and customize it, but then when she’s not touring then she doesn’t need it so she can lease it out.

OK, well that makes sense.

I guess if the result is a completely free jet, then even Tay Tay can’t pass that up. Or whatever accountant runs the show wouldn’t let that happen.

I know people who do this, but for all of them the money makes a meaningful difference in their life. They don’t strictly need it, but they’re not wealthy enough that they can just ignore a revenue stream like that.

Assuming she’s approx a billionaire, ten grand is nothing to her. Neither is a million. Even renting it out 100 times is not very significant. I guess if it is rented that frequently or more, then I could wrap my brain around it.

You’re the same guy who was giving spider crab a hard time about the .1% spread between his car loan and a treasury!!!

Those considerations are for normies. If I were a billionaire, I wouldn’t give a fuck.

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$10k may not be much to her personally, but it may be a lot to her CFO/CPA/whoever is helping manage that wealth. ($10k * N) + tax incentives (where N is the number of times rented per year) is certainly enough to justify that worker’s cut of the pie.

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