2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

I was including gambling but not cheating.


A friend of mine is an expert level bridge player, has represented Australia before. He could probably make OK money as a sponsored player if he wanted to but doesn’t have a lot of interest in it. Partly he doesn’t need the money and partly clients vary on a range between totally nice people and rich dickheads who feel free to lecture you peevishly when you make a mistake, even though they’re not even qualified to judge whether decisions you make are mistakes or not. Imagine bad poker players who buy you in to a poker tournament and then spend 10 minutes after a hand explaining to you about how you should have folded because they soul read your opponent for a set, it was actually obvious that’s what they had. It’s that.

I can’t say the scene here has much in the way of seediness. My friends old regular partner has hooked up with a woman 20+ years his senior who was originally sponsoring him as a partner. Bit of a sugar mommy situation. My friend was out with her at dinner once and she was talking about how a security firm had called her and said the alarm was going off at her property in the Sydney suburb of Mosman “and I said which one, I have three”. Median house price in Mosman is pushing 3.5 million USD. She is a nice person though and it’s not really a seedy situation, they just like each other.

Somehow I have ended up on Taylor Swift TikTok and previously didn’t know anything about her but am now a fan. I’ll say this for sure. Nobody has ever had more fun than her fans seem to be having at her show.


In case you aren’t aware, her catalogue got sold to somebody she hated (Scooter Braun) so she has been going back and re-recording her own versions of everything. Just an awesome power move.

My kid is being taken to the final show of the tour in LA Wednesday night by a friend’s family. I’m not sure where their seats are, but that’s like a $1K ticket at least. We offered money and they refused. Lucky kid!


It’s a cult

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In case you aren’t aware, her catalogue got sold to somebody she hated (Scooter Braun) so she has been going back and re-recording her own versions of everything.

I still don’t understand what that means. Why would anyone buy masters if the artist can just rerecord them?

Most artists don’t have the pull to just remaster their entire catalog and demand ~everyone use the remastered version. She just happens to be one of the few who can. Technically he gets whatever royalties are due if someone uses copies of the master recordings he owns.


The shortish answer is that rerecording only makes sense for a relatively small subset of artists in specific situations. Rerecording can be expensive and a little legally complicated depending on the song credits. Taylor is the perfect candidate to pull this move b/c she’s a solo artist who can call most of her own shots and she has a fan base big enough to justify the cost of rerecording.

Deeper dive:


No one can seed like USA#1

Haven’t listened to her at all then randomly heard anti-hero on the radio and listened to some more. Under cover of helping my 5 year old discover decent music, but gotta admit some of her stuff is very good! She’s also got some pretty sharp lyrics, which is a plus imo.

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I’m no Swiftie but I really like her music. That said, I wouldn’t pay $1K to see any band perform.

I’ve liked her music for a long time, which I guess wasn’t the cool thing for guys in their 20s to enjoy in the 2010s but that never bothered me. Good lyrics, catchy melodies, and she has a good voice. She’s also a bona-fide liberal and has become more outspoken regarding politics over the last 8 years. Her documentary on Netflix covered some of this, and she just seems like a good person in all the clips of her discussing life.

Her current tour has been incredible to watch. I hear she puts on a good show, but I’ve been more amazed at her fan base. Turning out by the tens of thousands just to hang out outside the stadiums and sing along. Some of the tiktok videos I’ve seen from outside stadiums have made me wish I was an actual swiftie who would have tried to go. The atmosphere just seems so great at every show.



After fatal fight at country club, a hole-in-one photo helped ID a suspect

Robert Moore, 75, has been charged with aggravated manslaughter in the incident at a country club in The Villages, Fla.

@Riverman alert

After Florida deputies arrived at a country club in June, they found an injured 87-year-old man struggling to stand and slurring his words.

Dean Zook told detectives that minutes earlier, he had accidentally hit another car when he was pulling into a parking spot. A man who claimed to be the car’s owner then hit Zook in the jaw, officials said. Zook was hospitalized with brain bleeding.

A deputy began the investigation by reviewing video footage, finding that the attacker was wearing a blue polo shirt, khaki shorts, dark-blue Nike shoes and sunglasses that day at the country club in The Villages. The detective identified the suspect through a dinner receipt from the club’s restaurant for a man named Robert Moore.

When the deputy searched that name on Google, he found a news article about Moore scoring a hole-in-one at a nearby golf course in The Villages, one of the country’s largest retirement communities. A photo accompanying the article showed Moore wearing an outfit similar to that of the man who attacked Zook.

Zook died last month as a result of his injuries, officials said. After further investigation, the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office recently arrested Moore, 75, and charged him with aggravated manslaughter on an elderly person.

Moore, who was released on a $30,000 bond, did not respond to requests for comment on Sunday night. He is seeking representation from the office of Sumter County’s public defender, Michael Graves, but hasn’t yet been appointed an attorney, Graves said.

On June 28, Zook approached a parking spot at the Glenview Country Club in The Villages in his white Toyota Avalon, according to Moore’s arrest affidavit. Zook caused minor damage to a black Lexus by hitting its front bumper, the affidavit states.

As Moore approached Zook, he exclaimed, “You hit my car!” the affidavit alleges. Zook exited his car and asked to exchange insurance information, the affidavit says, but Moore hit Zook’s jaw, pushing him backward. Moore continued punching Zook before realizing the Lexus wasn’t actually his car, the affidavit states.

Moore then entered the Glenview Country Club’s restaurant, sat at the bar and ordered food to go, according to the affidavit. Zook’s wife called 911 around 6:40 p.m., but Moore left before deputies arrived, the affidavit alleges.

As Zook explained the event to officials, he struggled to speak and stand, forcing deputies to hold him, according to the affidavit. Deputies called for paramedics, who took Zook to The Villages Hospital in an ambulance, the affidavit states. Doctors there found that Zook’s brain was bleeding, so a helicopter took Zook, who by then was unresponsive, to Health Shands Hospital in Gainesville, according to the affidavit.

The next day, a deputy said, he watched the man who assaulted Zook on the country club’s video footage and obtained a receipt of his carryout food order. The detective then contacted the NCR Corporation, which matched the credit card number to Moore. The deputy said he found the Village-News article, which stated that Moore had made a hole-in-one in November at the Tarpon Boil course in The Villages. However, it does not appear from the affidavit that Moore was questioned at that time.

On July 15, Zook was placed in hospice care, and he died the next day, the affidavit states. Meanwhile, investigators said they found that Moore owned a Lexus that was the same color and model as the car Zook had hit.

When a deputy visited Moore’s house on July 26, Moore admitted to punching Zook, the affidavit says. Moore told the detective that he thought Zook was attempting to leave the scene when he put his car into reverse after hitting the Lexus, according to the affidavit. Moore said he punched Zook after Zook placed his hands on Moore’s shirt and arm, the affidavit states.

The next morning, officers arrested Moore and took him to Sumter County’s detention center. His arraignment is scheduled for next month.


“Anti-hero” is also what won me over, I heard it at a mall and googled the lyrics and was shocked it was a Taylor Swift song.


were his hands registered as lethal weapons???

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One of her concerts I counted over 120k live stream viewers across all the people broadcasting live. I wouldn’t be surprised if each one of her concerts isn’t seen by 500k more people from live streaming on all the various platforms.

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Could Taylor Swift run for President please?


Led by design-build organization Gramercy Group Inc., the $2.13 billion project will replace the aging detention center known as “The Tombs” with a 45-story, 300-foot-tall structure spanning 1.25 million square feet. When complete, the MDC will stand as the tallest jail structure in the world and its modern facilities will help accommodate the planned closure of Rikers Island.

Feeling a little dystopian today

What will they do with Rikers Island when it closes?

What in the fuck

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