2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

What would the monthly be on 8 million in the bank?

At the current 5% in a brokerage money market–>400K per year.

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You guys, I finally got yelled at by NIMBY Karens at a planning group meeting tonight!

I feel like I’ve passed a staffer rite of passage.

I gave my update on current bills and budget allocations. Got asked some random questions. Then Karen1 said, “ I noticed you conveniently didn’t update us on SB10.”

Me: SB10 is chartered law which allows cities to opt in. The Senator voted for it last year and still supports it. For current updates, you can talk to the city reps here tonight or you can watch the planning commission meeting on Thursday.

Karen2: goes on her third 5-min unhinged rant of the night about how San Diego isn’t the type of city the bill was written for [it’s exactly the type of city the bill was written for] and it does nothing to provide significant amounts of affordable housing and my boss should stand up to the party against it because the purpose of the law isn’t being met yada yada yada volume increasing throughout

Me, after she’s done: may I respond?

Karen2: oh please by all means!

Me: The purpose of SB10 is not low-income/affordable housing. The purpose of SB10 is to increase supply of Missing Middle Housing.

Entire board: whazzat???

Me: explains MMH

BoomerDude: well how do you make that affordable?

Me: build more.

BD: what?

Me: Build more. Any other questions?

I was calm. I was cool. I brought the facts. The bikers there for a different action item were literally cheering me on. Boot camp finally paid off :rofl:


Can you even get 1 top-level sports team for a billy anymore?

When I was a kid, a billion was my dream, because I could buy not just top league, but top of the top league, sports team, design and build my own stadium, and still have like a quarter or third billion left

Obviously that would mean a much larger than billy jackpot to have 1B immediately liquidly accessible after paying the IRS. But the dream already accounted for that

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Charles Murray is back with this hot take: Crime is back up because police stopped arrested low level criminals.

You’d have to settle for a small market NHL team… Or a few NIL deals to some Alabama recruits :)


Very seriously thinking about ending my decades-long WaPo subscription here. Good lord at letting this racist ghoul write op-eds without giving your readers a bit of context about the man’s legacy of pushing eugenics bullshit. Why not give Nick Fuentes a column? At least his brand of white supremacy is new and hip with the young people.

Gonna need to collect my thoughts for a few minutes and send WaPo a nastygram


At least the comments section is nearly all anti-Murray.

Checking in on news from The Villages.

Letters to the editor are like overwhelmingly focused on whether they’re spending too much money on flowers:

Peppered with randomness like this:

Living there must be like a Groundhog Day version of Thanksgiving with 14 different racist uncles.


Still less embarrassing than publishing a Charles Murray editorial.

Thought I’d give an update here about my school board run (I had admins delete the old thread because it was coming up as a second google search when I entered an opponents name) -

Anyways, to catch everyone up, I decided that it was the wrong time to run as I have an 11 year old daughter that still thinks I’m reasonably cool and wants to still do things with me, so I stopped campaigning and backed a candidate that I was very aligned with.

She got 45% of the primary vote. The opponent that is one step removed from Moms For Liberty got 35%. I got 10%, and the other candidate got 10%.

My 10% should go to my backed candidate in the general, so I think it’s very likely she’ll win pretty easily in the general, but I’ll be putting some campaigning efforts in for her as we get closer to the election.

The other one step-removed candidate in another seat made it through the primary, but only received 25% of the vote. He should get shut out pretty easily in the general.


Ahh yes the problem with America is that not enough people are in jail.

Nick Fuentes is far less dangerous than this guy.

I don’t think so. Jordan bought his nba team for a few hundred million 13 years ago but just sold for a few billion.

Maybe the cheapest hockey team? Not. Sure on nhl team valuations. NFL not close, nba no longer close. MLB I assume, all of them. Not sure how much Oakland is worth or who else is a bottom team.

Would have to buy in as a minority partner for a bad owner and hope to leverage it into full ownership one day. :rofl:

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About half the teams have a valuation under $1 billion according to Forbes. Owning an NHL team in a small market like Buffalo or Columbus is cheap, as is owning an NHL team in a non-traditional hockey market like Miami or Phoenix. The Florida Panthers and Arizona Coyotes were both valued under $500 million by Forbes.

but google says

SB 10 makes it easier for cities to zone for smaller, lower-cost housing developments

so “Karen2” is complaining that it doesn’t make provision for enough affordable housing, which makes her a YIMBY and not a Karen imo, none of which stops her from being silenced via the application of boot camp.

Democracy in action.

Increasing supply creates more affordable housing, especially when you focus on increasing density like sb10 does. karen2 will oppose any affordable housing as well, and their only interest in “affordable housing” is how they can use that to prevent further development.

Maybe you shouldn’t take the first google result you find huh Jal?

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Probably the 10th or 12th result:

If for once you reach this far in a post you might notice the logo (it doesn’t involve many words).

Lower cost isn’t low cost jal. If you build 10 units on a single lot, those units will be cheaper than 1 unit.

Turns out california property costs are pretty high.

And again, karen2 does not give a shit about affordable housing… and neither do you. Pretty funny to see all it takes for you to suddenly take the side of rich, largely white landowners is forum butthurt. You’re a true progressive

Apparently disagreeing with someone and explaining your own position is putting the boot down. How dare she!

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The same thing you disparage and have banned people here for, hypocrite.

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