2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Trust me Jal, this lady wasn’t some anti-developer progressive. She’s a white boomer who owns a single family home in an area of San Diego that needs more housing of any type.

I know I’m just a stupid girl, but the concept is pretty simple. Right now there’s not enough luxury apartments, not enough mid-prided apartments, and not enough low-cost apartments. But the biggest shortage is in the middle. That means people who can afford luxury housing but can’t find it will drop down to low-income housing. It ALSO means people who could afford middle cost housing resort to low cost housing.

So filling in that missing middle (which is easier to do because it goes on formerly single-family lots) actually DOES increase the supply of affordable housing.

But I’m just a dumb girl, doesn’t matter that I’ve lived and breathed this issue for the past two months and heard every possible argument for or against.

Teehee giggles and. twirls hair


Higher density leading to lower prices can certainly happen and probably is the case more often than not, but it’s not a law of physics and there are very obvious exceptions.

Oh yeah micro. I remember when we talked about this and you made up some nonsense about development causing less density overall, specifically in a town where I had just looked at multiple large apartment complexes. It was baffling.

Anyways, increasing supply is good. California needs that


Fucking creep


Don’t know what all the asinine references to your gender are about. Anyone assholeishly boasting of crushing dissent with boot camp tactics can expect their ideas of democracy to be questioned.

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Crushing dissent is letting someone talk for 5-10 minutes and responding when forum butthurt is on the line!

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You’re wrong about everything always. You don’t even read your own fucking posts. Just don’t talk to me. Put me on ignore fuckface.


Is that the place you moved to where your Indian neighbours are calling you a racist or somewhere else?


No thanks.

Your post was obviously made up bullshit, but it was so weird. Development isn’t the only thing that drives prices obviously, but development very much is a net negative on prices. This isn’t controversial and it was super weird for you to claim that increased density wasn’t happening around 680.

Ikes really fucks up this site.


Your chief mistake was choosing to respond to Jalfrezi.


What are you talking about?

I stood there and took her rude, uninformed bullshit for 5 minutes.

And the majority of this planning group and a good portion of the audience agreed with her. If anyone was the dissenter here, it was me!

But excellent job demonstrating your lack of knowledge of my city, the people that sit on our planning boards, how these meetings usually go, and housing policy.

And even better job at perfectly showing your bias against me. Well done.


How is he supposed to know who you are talking about if you don’t use your “dot vs feather” qualifier?

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How does someone work outside for a living with such thin skin?

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Hey @Jalfrezi please help with this guy crushing dissent. You’re my only hope

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You’re confusing me with someone else. Get your facts straight, Dr pain.

Always remember, Americans can’t possibly understand the subtleties of the UK, but UKers know America better than Americans.

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You are the establishment here @CaffeineNeeded not the dissenter, which is why it went so rapidly downhill.

Jal talking to himself now tough day huh?

Edits on edits. I’m the establishment somehow

Micro is absolutely correct. Development of the wrong kind can often lead to lower density.