2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

this is the content we demand

you guys going back to work tomorrow? lol

I have heard this, but I don’t get it. Are you saying there is no security purpose to that exercise?

To hell with the kind of work you have to do to earn a living

slackers were ahead of their time apparently

like actively being a part of wtf this megalopolis engine is. what iz this is? what have I?

They deracinate society whoa. From a life rooted in soil, to this cosmopolitan life based on books and ideas. lmao cosmos has an alternnate definition

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There is a tiny bit since you’d have to train an AI to do the task, and you don’t know which task it will be, but yeah things like captcha and click the bicycles are for AI. As always, you are the product

Then why do you need to get it correct in order to get access?

No, it is an effective way of stopping/slowing bots that can’t solve captchas.

I’m saying the reason that they choose traffic lights and crosswalks and bicycles is because the data you generate is useful to train (presumably self-driving) AI.

A geoguesser AI could crush those captchas because it would probably have trained on that exact data.

AI is dumb af, before you start professing that it’s knocking you dead

You guys ready to see one of the dumbest videos on the internet?

You have to love the “Oh my god, SF is a hellhole, run for your lives!!!” videos as the guy calmly walks down the street amongst hundreds of others with absolutely no problems.

The whole foods he points out as being permanently closed is this one.

Opens 8 am tomorrow. Also loved the “even the Crazy Horse is closed.” Cause, ya know, all those strips clubs that are open at 11 in the morning.

People are morons


A lot of the stuff he pointed out as closed is currently being renovated. I did not watch much of that nonsense but wow.

Feels less likely by the hour


we need our best and brightest, mang

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Yeah… And why are humans training AI instead of the other way around?

Because almost everyone just wants to be a sub

Joe Biden doing a heart felt interview where he concedes he cannot guarantee that he can serve the full four years and it’s something he’s given deep consideration to, should he have to…

DA-dum! DA-dum …


Biden/Obama '24 absolutely mondales Trump.

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Americans love that superheros teaming up shit.

He should have quoted Twain on life’s certainties.

You must be eligible to become president in order to run for VP.

Become president or run for president?