2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Are the people complaining about apartments being built in their neighborhood also the same people bitching about the homeless?

That’s how it is around here. There’s a 700 unit apartment complex being built and everyone is up in arms about it, but also relentlessly bitch about the homeless problem.

Pick one, you can’t pick both.


Ehh is that apartment complex affordable housing? Otherwise will probably have $1800/m 1br units, which doesn’t really help the homeless problem.

If there’s some form of computer on board the system it’s running is likely very complex and from what we know about such systems there will be bugs.

It’s always tempting to view advanced civilisations as close to perfect but maybe they’re no less flawed than ours will be if we make it into another millennium, but with more advanced technology.

People fall off bikes, boats sink, trains and planes crash and everyday car journeys are rife with accidents that shouldn’t happen. Transportation is a bummer.

These supposed aliens either mastered inter-dimensional travel or FTL… comparing stuff to “falling off bikes” is ludicrous.

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That’s not what the post said. Without wishing to talk down to you, maybe consider giving this topic a rest, skipper.

sure jal


I think they’re all market rate, but we have severe shortage of housing, so even market rate apartments is a move in the right direction.

It there was an abundance of housing, I think prices would drop. Scarcity is keeping housing prices high.

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@skydiver8 what part of SD are these psychos from?


He looks sickly thin.

Of course they are!

As for this:

well ackshually…

Adding middle housing does help the homeless problem, because it allows for more stratifications in rent. Basically, as we all know, most Americans are one medical emergency or layoff away from homelessness, including those who live in $3000 a month apartments. So now, instead of going from $3k a month, they have more $1600-$1800 a month options (which currently are INCREDIBLY scarce), which they might still be able to handle.

Not to mention the number of people homeless NOW who can afford $1800 a month, either immediately or once they find another job.

TL;DR: More housing at ALL levels is necessary to combat homelessness.


People in my neighborhood are WORKED UP over a proposed development nearby. They made a website! https://stopgodzillanextdoor.com/

These apartments:

  • Replace other apartments (there are more in the new development, but this is not taking the place of single-family housing)
  • Are on a primarily commercial street (as their stupid website even says up-front, it’s right next to a Ralph’s)

The jackasses making the most noise about this are homeowners who live no closer than 1/4 mile from the development. The average cost of a single-family home in Glendale is over $1M, but most of the homes these people live in would be $2M+.

I mean listen to this shit

That means traffic congestion, parking shortages, air pollution, noise and light pollution, obstructed views, demolition waste, trash and litter, construction vehicles and noise, destruction of over 60 very large trees that clean the air we breathe, loss of habitat for countless birds and squirrels, 100-300 MORE CARS belching exhaust, and an enormous eyesore right in the middle of our peaceful neighborhood.

lol squirrels, Get The Fuck Out with that bullshit.

Hmmm, I wonder what kind of people they think will move in and disrupt their “peaceful neighborhood”

Fucking site only has an “accept cookies” button and no option to opt out which im pretty sure is required by law now


The site is hilarious. The development looks like it would look really nice, way nicer than the current apartments! And the series of “what we will lose” pictures is amazing. Raccoons! Bees!


ZOMG 6 stories

Not raccoons. What will we do without our precious dumpster rats?

California needs like 200,000 tiny Japanese style studio apartments.

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Less beer and cheese in the diet.

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