2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

seems like it’s always someone in china who thinks of shit like this, zero morality in that country when it comes to that stuff, zero.

Right? We’ve never done that. We never zipped around the moon then left, before eventually staying briefly on other trips. And we were already completely acclimated to the moon’s gravity and lack of atmosphere, which is the only reason we were able to visit: we didn’t have to engineer solutions to overcome the conditions

Aliens not adapted to Earth’s withering internet posts


The moon wasn’t 1000s of years away by any conceivable technology. Are these things immortal other than crashes?

If they got here quicker, I struggle to imagine a scenario where aliens who can create their own wormholes, which takes something like harnessing the energy of a black hole, arrive in a rickety spaceship and crash land on earth.

It seems overwhelmingly likely that aliens with that kind of technology would either instantly kill us all for resources, enslave us, or we’d never know they were here at all. If they’re just coming to check us out, why not send robots?

So there’s a crashed body but not a scrap of metal or other tech? Just give us one freaky robotic arm. And no one thought it significant enough to push it up the chain of command?

Your point was about the atmosphere, man. That’s what I responded to. Your atmosphere point has no weight whatsoever.

God, people in San Diego are the biggest fucking NIMBYs on the planet.

  1. in 2022, the CA legislature passed SB10, which allows cities to “opt in” to basically eliminate single-family zoning within a mile of transit stops (with some exceptions).

  2. In January, San Diego became the first major city to choose to opt in, and came up with a housing action plan.

Now we are getting so many calls and emails saying “NO ON SB10” which is stupid because it’s already law and I have directed more people to their city council members’ websites than I can fathom. People are mad about the remote possibility that 3-story buildings with 10 apartments are going to surround their $3m mansions when most people complaining don’t even live in areas that would be affected (cough Mission Hills cough).

Today I’m trying not to argue with a guy who sends me this picture and says “This is not what planners mean by ‘missing middle housing’.”

My dude, this picture is exactly what they mean by missing middle housing. Like, this picture could be in the dictionary next to the term. Also, the guy emailing lives in an area where this wouldn’t happen because it’s designated historic so SB10 doesn’t even fucking apply.

Not to mention half of the “uptown” area of San Diego was built up in the mid century building craze and is already full of “dingbat” style apartment buildings that are basically the same size as the one in the picture.

I just tell people that implementing this is going to have to be forced, like seatbelt laws or desegregation. There’s a city hearing next week about it…I’m sure that will be highly entertaining. I really hope San Diego sticks to their guns on this.


shocked picachu

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Oh dude.


I don’t know. Trump is surrounded by cranks and wierdo hucksters. Still pretty sure he’s real.

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That’s what they want you to think. Wake up sheeple!


Conceivable by us is different from what more advanced critters might come up with.

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As painful as a life of relentless mediocrity can be, sometimes I thank my lucky stars that I have never achieved early (or even mid-life) success and fame. The struggle to live up to a former glory you can never regain must be an unbearable form of torture.

Got married over the weekend, everything was more enjoyable than expected.

No idea what insane person immediately goes on their honeymoon that night/the next day though.


Mazel tov!


But those critters that are advanced beyond all our conception still come barreling into earth, crash and die? You don’t think they’ve figured out landing yet?

With two trillion galaxies in the observable universe, I would bet there’s plenty of life out there. It’s just really really far away. If we did get visited I wouldn’t expect it to be organic life. I’d expect it to be some robot that can live for 1000s of years.

You don’t buy my penal colony idea? Ok, how about if their version of Google maps has a small error or their Tesla FSD is still a little buggy? Or the galactic government hasn’t got around to blasting the Earth out of the way so they can put in the throughway and not everybody got the memo. Maybe we’re the equivalent of the couch that fell out of the truck onto the freeway because some idiot didn’t secure the load.


Not sure they crashed. The only concrete allegation I’ve seen is that the Italians shot one down in 1933 and then the pope helped the US get ahold of it in WWII. I don’t think he’s alleged how the we got the other UFOs.

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1933 technology shooting it down is less believable to me than crashing.


I think California needs to just build unlimited small apartments with no parking spaces.