2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

DeSanto’s $100,000 investment netted him just $53,000 worth of gold and silver, according to a Post analysis of his invoices — meaning the coins had been marked up 92 percent over the value of the metal.


Yeah but they can be a pain too. The optometrist talked me into a brand he said were the most comfortable ever, which ok, I did notice a small difference, but I have to insert and take them out multiple times before they sit right. Part of it is I can’t tell when they’re inside out. I’ve started wearing glasses more often out of plain laziness.

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there’s a lot of shit like this in the newspaper and tv and has always been that way. one of the tv shopping networks has a coin thing that is exactly that. Ripoff after ripoff but people buy it.

Every single one of them instead could’ve just walked into the local coin store and buy whatever; sure some of them might be overpriced and eating a loss in the end but it won’t be a literal you lost a shit ton of your money you moron.

The biggest bloodbaths tend to be the not a real mint mints or plated whatever the crap.

Teamsters get a win for the good guys



Yeah took me awhile to adjust to mine, but going back to just regular lenses was torture. Now I don’t even think about it.

My wife is farsighted and got progressives, but never uses them because she just couldn’t get used to them. I got her a granny chain so she could keep her reading glasses on her.

I’m nearsighted, but have been having trouble seeing close up in specific circumstances. I can see the computer monitor just fine (though I do increase the font in Word to 125% just to make life easier) and can read papers on the desk and what-not, but if there’s something really small that I would normally need to bring closer to my face like ingredients on a package of food or instructions on medication, I can’t see it without taking my glasses off. It’s like there’s this small window of distance that my eyes just won’t focus on if the object/word is too small.

Doctor said I could try progressives, but there was nothing in particular about my vision that would require anything more than what I already have.

I tried progressive lenses, but after a week I went back to the optometrist and had them make me bifocals, which I wore until I had cataract surgery in both eyes.

My cataract surgeon offered me progressive lenses, but I didn’t want to take the chance of hating them, so I just got the normal distance lenses and wear readers for close-up focus.


Vendors learn that rather than paying to dispose of a warehouse full of unsold crap, it’s cheaper just to ship it to some random person’s house.


I have progressive lenses with completely different values in each eye which basically means one eye is for reading and the other for distance. The weird thing is that my brain compensated for that completely after a couple of hours. Really made me wonder how much we see is really just guessed at by our brain.


Saw this on shark tank - seems like it could be preferable to a chain.

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I would love to wear them, but I simply cannot read when I do. If I am going to have to tote a pair of readers around I figure I will just keep wearing glasses.

A subterranean ice lens.

Couldn’t find the lol capitalism thread

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If any aliens are reading this I just want to say I’m sorry about your friends and I had nothing to do with it.

NOW - US recovered non-human biological pilots from crashed crafts, UFO whistleblower says in hearing. pic.twitter.com/P03WuSBwvD

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) July 26, 2023

Aliens smart enough to arrive at Earth but not smart enough to not crash land.


a) If aliens have visited we don’t know what the failure rate is.

b) Leaving your own planet is a problem with known variables. Visiting a planet far away might not be.


Maybe they get sent into exile on Earth but when they see the place they just say fuck it I’m out.


Let me suggest that this would not be a smart move.


Aliens who also happen to breathe just the right combination of oxygen, nitrogen and co2 as what’s in our atmosphere, and are acclimated to our gravity and air pressure. Unless they were just planning to zip around in their spaceship then leave.