2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)



I was assuming that we were talking about the normatively best thing to do.

I donā€™t know what that word means

Iā€™m not sure I believe you, but this is from wikipedia if you really need it:

I would have guessed it meant according to norms

It could mean that in a different context.

Law plagiarizing philosophy again. Keep your eyes on your own paper!


I think someday youā€™re going to have to accept that you have unwittingly acquired the tools to become the topmost of lawbros.


Implicit collusion is legal. I can stop the problem as collusion czar though by just banning car loot boxes.


Not in MelkersonLand

Not really. These companies could collude in myriad other ways. Better to have a general solution.

How do you ban implicit collusion in an oligopoly? Like I work in the tube and core business in the paper industry. So like paper for stuff like toilet paper tubes, paper towel tubes, industrial tubes, composite cans like Pringles. Stuff like that. My company has about 60% market share and thereā€™s another big player with like 35% market share and a few niche players. These are made up numbers but itā€™s about accurate. Right now both my company and the other big company are taking lack of business downtime across both of their systems due to lack of orders. Weā€™re still actually having a profitable year as a division because our sales price is still high, because weā€™ve cut production rather than keep putting out tons and starting a price war with our big competitor. The little niche players are probably running balls to the walls and stealing orders from us here and there but thereā€™s only so many marginal tons an existing machine can produce. And paper is such a capital intensive business you canā€™t just add capacity to exploit the high sales price. If the two big players arenā€™t explicitly coordinating production how do you ban that sort of behavior?

By making it explicit

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ā€œhow is that OK?ā€

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Time to break up Ma Tube imo

Sure, but short of antitrust action thereā€™s not much that can be done, right?

Keeed, Iā€™m not sure you have what it takes to be the collusion czar of MelkersonLand. On this other hand this econophile fellow might be just the kind of person weā€™re looking for. I like the cut of his jib.

Congrats, econophile. MelkersonLand has an opening for collusion czar with your name on it!

If theyā€™re colluding, they can just charge higher prices. Feature subscriptions donā€™t give them more pricing power.

Itā€™s the other way around. Theyā€™re an oligolopoly, so they have the pricing power and the ā€œjust donā€™t buy from themā€ might not work if the other members of the oligopoly all switch to feature subscriptions.

Iā€™m just happy to see streaming services suffer, but Iā€™m conflicted because I also like seeing cable providers suffer. Iā€™d also like to see MTV suffer for going from ok to shitty like 25 years ago. I guess they have kind of been sucking wind for the last 15-20 years or so, so thatā€™s fine. Now Iā€™d like to see Discovery communications go under. Itā€™s just some weird leveraged investment entity.