2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Irrelevant, and I don’t know if antilock brakes are required or not either.

What if the car companies implicitly collude to deprive the consumer of the choice they’d actually prefer? That being the choice of you buy the car and it and all its features are yours. Which is how buying cars have worked since the inception of the business.

Completely in favor of subscription fees for cars, there can’t be enough of these. The toll to unlock the door should increase by a penny every time you use it imo.

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And this sort of collusion isn’t far fetched at all, for decades the big three set prices with an implicitly collusive price leadership model.

Holy shit, lootboxing standard features is going to be a thing isnt it? Your home thermostat will let you spin the wheel once a day free for up to -2 degrees, but after that each spin is $.99

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This sounds like a joke, but it isn’t. Just got notice that subway/bus fares are going up again just as they are phasing out monthly passes here. Still can drive on almost any street for free though, great system.

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MTA is piloting no-fare bus routes. Sounds like a good idea

how did our lithium get under their mountains???


I think offensive realism predicts that the US will act aggressively to prevent China from gaining an advantage in Afghanistan.

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It’s Working.


In “Try That in a Small Town,” country singer Jason Aldean sings about big city violence and rural intolerance of such violence. His music video shows Aldean and his band performing in front of an American flag-draped Tennessee courthouse — the site of an infamous 1927 lynching and a 1946 race riot that The Washington Post once reported led to the near lynching of future U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.

PolitiFact dissected the video and found that although many of the clips we were able to verify do come from news footage of real events, many of the scenes depicting crowd violence are from outside the U.S., including Ukraine, Germany and Canada, with one dating as far back as 2010.

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Sounds woke to me!

I wish you’d told me that before I bought all those yachts,


Sell them in Florida, then buy more yachts also in Florida

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Thought I’d do some doordashing this early afternoon, so they sent me to Sonic and I brought this Styrofoam cup in there thinking they might you know hook me up with the diet soda boy was I wrong this one gal told me to get away from this particular station and that she had told me that before and the other gal said I’ll ring you up for one LOL so I just walked out and as I was driving out let fly the bird and a stroking you know something phallic shaped gesture after the bird f****** clowns everywhere you go f****** corporate Overlord m************ dictating to these employee shills


no issue at Casey’s, McDonald’s, taco bell/ kfc, arby’s, applebee’s .

im in-n-out of all these joints with regularity, part of the team essentially lol

Sonic flowers have lost their way. They’ve lost their way again.

You are the one that causes me pain. You are the one that causes me grief.

I’m pretty sure they have been standard on all vehicles for some time. You might find a very old car without them. And of course it’s relevant.

Take my current car. It can pick up satellite radio, but I have to have a subscription to access it. Why can’t I just pay once and have access to something my car can already do? Well, I assume you would say, “Well, that’s different because …”

Same thing applies here. Having a subscription for your airbags is very different than having a subscription for massaging seats.

Well, I don’t dig collusion. If there is collusion, then you deal with that. In MelkersonLand, SenorKeeed would be my collusion czar. If SenorKeeed spots collusion, then we can go to town on it.

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