2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

10 years ago I’d say go back in time but I am pretty sure I would just end up making my life worse

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Not too many places take bets from 6 year olds. :grinning:


And even fewer pay out when you win


Don’t think there’ll be a shortage of runners once people start seeing how good the predictions are, probably including the parents.


I go back, find Martin Fleischmann, tell him press conferences are a bad idea. Boom, cold fusion becomes a thing, free energy for everybody, no 9/11, climate change is stopped, there are no more refugees, Trump escalator doesn’t happen, there’s no Ukraine war. Elon is still a dick though. You can’t fix everything.

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If I go back to 1986, I could probably have enough of a bankroll/influence by 2000 to swing the election so that Gore wins FL decisively.


A 6-year-old with the wisdom of an adult would probably get locked in an insane asylum.

I’ve wondered if I’d even enjoy my 20s with the wisdom of an a 54-year-old. Every night out was so filled with promise. Now all I think about is the hangover the next day. I’d be a boring 20-something.

After reading the prompt, I’m confused why so many people are interpreting it as if it is suggesting that time will rollback for every living being to the year you were 6. That isn’t what it’s asking.

I do think it helps me understand why arguments are so frequent online though. Poor communication skills and reading comprehension are at the root of a lot of those arguments.

I’d get Mavs 2010-2011 NBA Champions tattooed on my chest in 2008 and show it off all the time.


“Restart your life at 6” to me implies some kind of time travel that makes it appealing. If you’re right and it could be more clearly stated that “you’ll be a 6 year old in 2023” or something I don’t know that anyone would take that option.

It does seem specifically worded to be unclear to start arguments.

You will be six years old before childhood vaccines were invented.

Maybe confused was a poor choice from me as I can indeed understand that interpretation, but still it is just “your life” and not others. The rollback to 6 in 2023 with your current knowledge definitely isn’t as appealing.

I do agree that it’s probably intentionally vague so there can be additional meta arguments/discussions.

With that said, how many 6 year olds that rolled back their life do you think it would take to beat you up? :joy:

Poor communication skills indeed.


Along those lines, I’d much rather be a 6 year old in 1983 (even without all my 2023 knowledge) than a 6 year old in 2023. The 80s, 90s, and 2000s were great decades to go though school, university, and start a career. The outlook for 6 year olds right now is much worse.


Yeah, but you’re basically the Albert Einstein of 6 year olds.

If I take the six year old body am I legally six years old or just very young looking? I don’t want to miss out on voting and r rated movies.

Also, if you become 6 years old now, do you have the same parents, or do you get randomly assigned to a different family? My home life was so far above replacement family environment that I’d never risk a rando situation.


Even if the knowledge was only of my life (no sports betting or buying Apple stock), I could tweak a few things that would improve my life dramatically.

Take school more seriously and pick a different major in college.
Start working out and be better at sports.
Learn a foreign language.
Having more confidence around high school and college girls.
Better fiscal responsibility.
Learn the piano instead of the trombone.

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Lol, my 73 year old dad is going to be livid to find out that he is going to have to drive me to t ball