2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Not sure how a young person acting alone will do that or convince thousands of people to vacate the twin towers.

What’s your plan?

Oof… but yea

Maybe try hijacking a plane with a boxcutter on 9/10? There’s likely more shrewd strategies, just spitballing here.

So many Iraqis and Afghans died as a result of 9/11 that it probably outweighs the tsunami. Stopping Covid (don’t know how) would be a real chicken dinner.

The past is obdurate. It doesn’t want to be changed.


You get locked up for life as a lone wolf madman and OBL finds another way another time.

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Seriously babe I’d go back in time and be a better investor to give you that dream wedding you always wanted!

No I get enjoying the life you have now and not wanting to change that. There’s no guarantee that going back in time and getting a better job or marrying someone else or being famous or having more expensive hobbies will make you any happier.

Bin Laden sure to call off the whole affair after I tell him about how good Better Call Saul.

I don’t think he has kids which makes it an easy call, imo.

I going back in time just so I can have a small penis again. So exhausting toting this thing around with me everywhere.


I think as asked, this is a stupid question. If you actually have knowledge of the future when you’re six, then you can easily exceed 10 million when you’re in your 40s (or whatever).

I think a better question is that if you have no memory/knowledge of specific events, but you just have all the general life wisdom that you have as adult. I think I take that deal sans wife/kids. But without, it’s a pass. 10 million ain’t that bad.

Going back to age 6 with all your memories intact is literally a horror movie, Jesus Christ. If the choice was between that and having my hands cut off with a machete it would be a closer call.


If you went back to being six knowing everything you know now, what’s the earliest age you would attempt to have sex?

When were they cool? I only see them as a meme for dad attire. Full transparency, I’m wearing a pair of NB right now.

You can do all this for a lot less than $10M.

If I had my current consciousness I’d need to wait quite a while and still need to find a pedo.

You can exceed 10 million by the age of seven if you know all the sports results.

You just have to go to school at one of the places with a well known pedo teacher and hit them up.

I don’t condone this btw

Part of the benefit of going back with the knowledge I have now would be having the knowledge of what makes me happy. Really the only thing that would dramatically improve my life would be a threesome with @clovis8 . Maybe the $10 million is the way to go!


Oh man, 15 year old Nit with full awareness of both her own sexuality and which girls in her school were going to eventually come out??? :exploding_head:


You can do all this for a lot less than $10M.

Oh, I know. I wouldn’t use all the money doing that. I’d be worried about having the money if I wasn’t healthy and fit enough to travel around and see the world.