2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Yeah if you try to call it in, no matter what age it’ll probably lead to the attacks happening anyway and you getting sent to guantanamo. You’d have to actually get on the first plane and fight the hijackers Brian style.

Based on all the time travel books and movies trying to change major events just makes the world worse off. I would get reasonable rich myself. Focus on climate change solutions and announce them after the time I travelled back from. Which is still some time from now.

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I’d go back to age 6 w/o knowing shit. Youth is priceless.


The hardest part about going back to age 6 is that I’d spend 20 years missing my wife and being terrified that I would somehow screw up my attempts to meet her again at the right time to make her fall in love with me again. At least if I took the $10 million today I could be assured that I wouldn’t lose her.


$10 million AND I don’t have to relive high school? Where do I sign?!?

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I’m still horribly bitter about the 6 months I wore New Balance shoes before anyone in my small country school had heard of them.

I was terribly bullied as the “New Balance” kid. Did I get an apology when they became cool? Fuck no


I’ll take the $10M now. I’ve got plenty of years left in front of me, so I can hire a personal trainer and exercise regularly and eat well and probably live a good life. The only thing that would make me reconsider is that if I could go back to being 6, I could avoid all the pesticides I was exposed to groi g up on the farm and significantly cut back my chances of getting a nasty cancer or neurological disease later in life.

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Going back to being 6 years old is tempting, mainly because that’s 40 years I can get back. But the biggest problem for me (besides possible mental health issues that could arise) would be that I would lose my wife and my kids wouldn’t exist. Even if the rule is that I just become 6 years old in 2023 and therefore my kids exist, it would be awful for all of us, regardless of whether or not I disappear from their lives.

The biggest reason I’d want to go back, if it meant that I actually went back in time, would be to save my best friend, who died in 2019 from cancer that was caught too late. Trying to convince my parents to invest in certain things would be an interesting task, too.

So yeah, I’d take the $10 million.


I’m going back to being six. That way I can avoid buying that magic monkey’s paw from my cousin. What a disaster that turned out to be!


Restarting my life knowing what I know now used to be my dream. But I’m with @econophile , there’s no deal I accept where I don’t get to know my kids and see how their lives turn out.

She’s not reading this thread you don’t have to pretend you’d use your time travel powers to fall in love with her all over again!

I’d go back to stop 9/11 and invest in Facebook but would end up inventing bang bus.


Are you allowed to take back a DNA sample with you? I’m going back to age 6 and growing up to be the guy who invents cloning.

Instead of focussing on 3,000 Americans how about warning 300,000 South Asians about the tsunami?


Now I’m mildly curious which option Clovis thought was the obviously hundreds of times better one. Especially if he has kids.


It’s not just her (although a lot of it is her), there a lot of my life that I would absolutely repeat as close as possible if given a second chance. I don’t have a lot of regrets. I would still live in Canada, I would still be an actuary (I genuinely love my profession). I would just have more money because knowing things in advance makes it easy to generate extra income.

1 American is worth at least a million dirty foreigners.

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Sorry, I forgot.

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I would 100% try to make sure that I end up with the exact same dog, lol.


Stopping a couple guys with boxcutters seems more plausible then convincing everyone in Southeast Asia to vacation in Siberia or whatever. Also very likely that stopping 9/11 save more then 300k Asians.


Was trying to remember when that was. Got the date right (day after Christmas). Got the year wrong though.