2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

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Is anyone else having a problem with 22? For the last few days when I try to head over there my browser gives me a message that 22 is gonna pozz my computer with some nasty shit and it won’t let me open the site.

It still works for me, but whenever I go on there it logs me out every 5 minutes

I’m seeing some broken icons on 22.

With reverse image search, AI, and the size of our digital footprint growing larger, it’s nearly impossible to anonymously harass people. It’s a matter of facing consequences for harassment that’ll stop people not identifying who they are.

Thanks. Your replies inspired me to try to override the warnings. Weirdly, if I just enter forumserver. before the url then it works fine.

Follow her on tiktok. She and a few others are really good at finding people.

My favorite guy though is Jose monkey and he can find where you are in the world from a short video. But he only finds people who want to be found. The others are hunting down alleged evil doers.

Edit : this is a josemonkey video,

My music hipster buddy just found this flowchart I made for him many many years ago.

There is a typo on one of the Radiohead YESes. And Tom is Tom Waits FYI.


Boomer alert

I get a ton of ads for this when I play Candy Crush.

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Meanwhile, the real story behind Temu should be the way that the business model (low value goods sold direct to consumers) takes advantage of a rather large loophole in US tariff law. The tl/dr is that as long as the individual package is not worth much, the company can avoid tariffs, even while doing huge amounts of total sales.

“The report found that the brands, which garner most of their consumer base from social media, are likely responsible for over 30% of packages shipped daily to the U.S. under a so-called de minimis provision of Section 321 of the Tariff Act of 1930, which waives import tariffs if the fair retail value of the shipment does not exceed $800. The imports accounted for nearly 600,000 shipments a day as of last year and are likely higher now, according to the findings.”

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Yeah that and using our Facebook photo albums to traffic 70,000 healthy white babies to China every year.

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I think this is just a humiliation fetish but this gut was the main character on Twitter today


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chad and JT solve ai


Imagine if AI got people as up in arms as WOKENESS.

We would probably have EVEN BETTER AI

Eurotrash misogynists have Ausamah’s approval:

Temu literally gave me $100 of free stuff, I figure I have to give something back. But I think I did it in web not on app, so I guess I owe them.

I thought it was going to be another goes nowhere online campaign but John Green went to war with J&J and won. Impressive.

!!!!!!!!!!!!! @JNJNews, THANK YOU for choosing #PatientsNotPatents. Takes real guts to live up to your credo. Generic bedaquiline WILL BE AVAILABLE in almost every country with a high tuberculosis burden. I am so happy and grateful to the Stop TB Partnership, J&J, and especially… https://t.co/zCC2UW9SWd

— John Green (@johngreen) July 13, 2023

I don’t remember seeing any Louis CK impressions, JAJ completely nails it
